PTI senator arrested for tweeting against Pakistan Army chief – Times of India

ISLAMABAD: A senior leader and senator of Imran Khan-led Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) was arrested in Islamabad on Thursday for a critical tweet. General Qamar Javed BajwaThe mighty army chief of the country.
Federal Investigation Agency officials arrested 66-year-old Azam Khan Swati in the early hours. “Swati’s house was raided without a search warrant. The ‘Midnight Jackals’ (a reference to intelligence agency officials) came to the senator’s house and identified themselves as FIA personnel. He was blindfolded and treated like a terrorist.
Hours after his arrest, the PTI MLA in a sarcastic Twitter post accused General Bajwa of legalizing corruption. “Mr. Bajwa, congratulations to you and some with you. Your plan is really working and at the cost of this country all the criminals are getting freed. By getting these thugs free, you have legalized corruption. Now you can do this. How do you predict the future of the country? They said.
He was talking about the Prime Minister’s acquittal Shahbaz Sharif and his son Hamza Shahbazi one in Money laundering A Lahore court registered the case on Wednesday.
Speaking to reporters outside the sessions court, Swati said she was arrested not for breaking the law or violating the Constitution, but for “taking the name of General Bajwa”. He also alleged that he was “undressed and physically tortured” by “agencies”.
The FIA, in its first information report, said that Swati’s tweet was a “thought out attempt” to sow hatred in the minds of people and army personnel against the Pakistan Army and its chief. “Such intimidating tweets of blaming and naming is a mischievous act of sabotage to create rift among the armed forces personnel and try to harm the state of Pakistan,” the FIR said.
Relations between PTI and Army have deteriorated since Imran Khan He was removed from office in April through a motion of no confidence in Parliament.
The party has demanded the early release of Swati, with senior leader Fawad Chaudhry calling the arrest “a dangerous trend”. “The news of Azam torturing Swati is disturbing. Torture of political prisoners has become common in Pakistan.
In August, Shahbaz Gill, a senior PTI leader and Khan’s chief of staff, was arrested on sedition charges for his comments during a TV talk show that called lower-level military officers disobeying “illegal” orders from their superiors. Not complying was considered to be incitement.