‘Quad’ countries to agree on secure microchip supply chain next week: report

The leaders of the United States, Japan, India and Australia will agree to take steps to build safer semiconductor supply chain When they meet in Washington next week, the Nikkei Business Daily said Saturday, citing a draft joint statement.

US President Joe Biden will host the first in-person summit of leaders of the “quad” nations, who have sought to boost cooperation against China’s growing assertiveness.

The draft states that in order to build stronger supply chains, the four countries will explore their semiconductor supply capabilities and identify vulnerabilities, Nikkei said without disclosing how it obtained the document.

The statement also said that the use of advanced technologies should be based on the rule of respect for human rights, the newspaper said on its website.

Nikkei said China was not named in the draft, but the move was aimed at preventing China’s use of technologies to prevent the authoritarian regime from spreading to the rest of the world.

The United States and China have been on issues across the board, including trade and technology, while Biden said in April that his country and Japan, a US ally, would invest together in areas such as 5G and the semiconductor supply chain.

No official at the Japanese Foreign Ministry was immediately available for comment.

This story has been published without modification in text from a wire agency feed. Only the title has been changed.

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