Queen Elizabeth II performs light duties after testing positive for COVID

Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II carried on with “light duties” after testing positive for the coronavirus. Buckingham Palace said the 95-year-old monarch was experiencing mild symptoms like a cold.

Queen Elizabeth II, who tested COVID positive, is showing mild cold-like symptoms. (Photo: AFP/FILE)

Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II was at her table at Windsor Castle on Monday with “light duties” after testing positive for COVID-19.

Buckingham Palace confirmed on Sunday that the 95-year-old was the monarch experiencing mild cold-like symptomsGreetings poured in from across the world, including Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

“I wish Queen Elizabeth a speedy recovery and wish her good health,” Modi said on Twitter.

He was referring to a message from British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who said: “I am sure I speak for all Wishing Her Majesty the Queen a speedy recovery Rapid return from covid and in lively good health. ,

Light duties for the Queen include reading state papers from her proverbial red box, which usually takes up a significant portion of almost every day. He is also expected to participate in some video calls and have telephone conversations with Prime Minister Johnson during the week. There are currently no scheduled public events in her diary.

The Queen’s son and heir Prince Charles, the Prince of Wales, tested positive on February 10, two days after visiting his mother, 73.

According to reports, several people have tested positive at Windsor Castle, the Berkshire residence where the monarch has lived through most of the pandemic.

The Queen, who turns 96 in a month on April 21, had her first vaccine in January 2021 and is believed to have received her second and third doses of the COVID-19 vaccine as well. Naresh, who has been battling health issues recently, was seen standing on a stick last week.

Earlier this month, Britain began the Platinum Jubilee Year celebrations to commemorate 70 years of his being the first British monarch to achieve the milestone.

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