Queen Elizabeth: UK government sends Queen Elizabeth a music box to celebrate her birth anniversary – Times of India

London: UK government sent Queen Elizabeth A specially commissioned music box to mark his Platinum Jubilee, whose lid depicts the black front door of the Prime Minister’s No. 10 Downing Street office.
The 96-year-old monarch celebrated 70 years on the British throne with an extended public holiday and several events, culminating in a colorful and eccentric contest on the balcony of his palace on Sunday. London,
In keeping with tradition, the government marked the occasion of the birth anniversary with a gift, the details of which were announced on Thursday.
The platinum-mounted, enamel-on-copper musical box also contained portraits of 14 British prime ministers she met during her reign. When opened it plays Handel’s Hallelujah.
“On the inside lid, an inscription with the name of cupboard Can be found as a symbolic gesture to show his unwavering admiration and respect for his devotion and service to his people and his beloved. commonwealth“, said the Prime Minister’s Office.