Quit Smoking With Food: Nutritionists Share 8 Foods That’ll Help

Smoking is the number one killer today. Heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, lung disease, and many other diseases list smoking as a risk factor. Yet we see that it is increasing. There are many people who are trying to quit but it is easier said than done. Getting professional help is a really good idea because then you have a program to follow and a team to motivate you. Apart from this, there are certain foods that can help you in this journey and also keep you on track in the long run.

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Here are 8 foods that can help you quit smoking:

1. Milk

Many doctors have advised milk. The suggestion is that drinking a little milk instead of smoking helps to make cigarettes less palatable. So the next time you have a craving for something, drink some milk.

2. Fruits and Vegetables:

Fruits and vegetables also have the same effect as milk. Also, you can make good use of 5-10 minutes while eating a fruit, at the end of which the desire to smoke ends. They also add lots of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory nutrients Which help in detoxification from smoke damage.

3. Popcorn and Fox Nuts:

Quitting smoking makes many people hungrier. Both these foods are low in calories and take a long time to chew. So keep some popcorn or fox nuts handy and gobble up a cup without the guilt of overeating.

4. Sweet food:

The AHA has observed that people who quit smoking often have a tendency to turn to sugary foods to satisfy the craving. Fresh fruits and especially frozen grapes are a good suggestion instead of desserts or chocolates.

Eating fruit is great for curbing the urge to smoke.
photo credit: iStock

5. Cinnamon:

Cinnamon is another flavoring recommended by quitters. Chewing on a cinnamon stick keeps your mouth busy and away from the urge to smoke.

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6. Beans:

Since weight gain is a reality in people who are on their journey to quit, it is suggested that eating beans rich in fiber and protein is good for the journey. They keep you full for longer and keep hunger pangs at bay. Beans are also a good source of fiber and plant sterols that have positive effects on heart health.

7. Ginseng Tea:

ginseng tea Associated with weakening the effects of dopamine, a neurotransmitter in the brain that is associated with pleasure and is released when smoking tobacco. Hence drinking it can help in taking away the pleasure of smoking.

8. Sugar Free Gums:

Sugar-free gums and mints aren’t my favorite foods to suggest, but they keep your mouth busy and help take the edge off the urge to smoke. So keep something handy.
While these may be your favorite foods, coffee, alcohol, meat and spicy foods have been associated with increasing cigarette cravings.

Caffeine enhances the stimulating effect of cigarettes, which is why people often smoke during coffee breaks. This then triggers and makes quitting difficult. So stay away from caffeine for a few months in order not to hit the trigger button.

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Alcohol is another trigger because the combo of alcohol and cigarettes reinforces each other. When releasing again, stay away until the trigger is completely gone.

Exercise, hobbies, anything that takes you away from the urge to smoke will help. Take it one step at a time and stay strong.

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