R Ashwin reacts to Brendan Taylor’s spot-fixing revelation: Turn the tables and leave, strength to you!

India off-spinner Ravichandran Ashwin on Monday reacted to former Zimbabwe captain Brendan Taylor’s shocking revelations about an Indian businessman’s approach to spot-fixing.

Taylor is facing a ban from the International Cricket Council (ICC) after receiving a $15,000 “deposit” for spot-fixing, although he said he was blackmailed and never went through with the arrangement.

Ashwin took to Twitter and reacted to the incident, “Spread the awareness!! Most of the times, joining hands with us at the poker table gives us the option to place or turn the bets!! Turning the table and leaving is the key to doing! All the power to Brendan and his family.”

Taylor said he was forced to accept money from an Indian businessman in October 2019 and it took him four months to report the incident to the ICC’s anti-corruption unit as he feared for his own safety.

Taylor travels to India to discuss launch of new T20 competition With a promise of $15,000 as payment in Zimbabwe.

“We had a drink and during the evening, he openly offered me cocaine, which he himself was engaged in. I foolishly took advantage of it,” Taylor said in a statement released via Twitter on Monday.

“The next morning, the same people barged into my hotel room and showed me a video of me the night before doing cocaine and told me that if I didn’t spot-fix international matches for them, the video would be released to the public. “

Taylor said that he was given $15,000 as a deposit, and promised that he would receive another $20,000 when the work was completed.

“I want to keep the record that I have never been involved in any form of match-fixing. I can be many things, but I am not a cheater,” he said.

“That being said, the ICC is taking the decision to impose a multi-year ban on my international cricket career. I humbly accept the decision.”