Rahul Gandhi: Congress leader Rahul attacks the government for ‘radicalism and dynasty’. India News – Times of India

New Delhi: Attack on the government without any restraint Congress leader Rahul Gandhi On Sunday, he asserted that “hatred and anger” has risen sharply under the prime minister and alleged that the RSS-BJP alliance promoted bigotry as part of a deliberate strategy of quietly transferring profits to “two industrialists”. He insisted that the Congress and other opposition parties together would defeat the RSS-BJP ideology.
He said that Narendra Modi PM is, that cannot happen without “these two industrialists” who control the media and work for Modi, and then profit from the government.
“This country does not belong to two industrialists, it belongs to the poor of India,” he said.

The unnamed corporate duo emerged as a refrain in Gandhi’s speech at the Congress’ ‘Mehngai Par Halla Bol’ rally at the national capital’s Ramlila Maidan on Sunday, through which he painted a picture of “rising bigotry and dynasty”. He has said. To hollow the country and make the people poor.
He said, “The situation in India is such that the country cannot provide employment to its youth if it wants. Jobs have been created not by these two industrialists, but by MSMEs and farmers, whose backs have been broken by Modi. Unemployment will get worse in future… If MGNREGA had not been given by UPA, the country would have caught fire.
Rahul, along with the Congress leadership, young and old, was the keynote speaker who laid out the party’s future roadmap, of which five months and a 3,500-km India pair Travel Starting on Wednesday is the key pillar. It was only in explaining the logic behind the journey that he pulled off the sharpest attack. BJP Administration.
Rahul said the media “controlled by these two industrialists” does not show the truth about the high inflation, unemployment, farmers’ problems and the sugar invasion, while the opposition is not allowed to raise these issues in Parliament by the Modi government, which ” Terrified”. Constitutional bodies like Judiciary and Election Commission.
“The opposition has no option. There is only one option – go directly to the public and tell them the reality,” he said at the historic Ramlila Maidan demanding the gathering’s vehement approval.

Taking a jibe at Rahul, Rahul said, “Modi is taking the country back, spreading hatred, spreading fear and the country is suffering because of it.” It can only benefit the enemies of China, Pakistan and India… How inflation, unemployment, hatred can strengthen any country?
The rally appears to be a bid to project the Congress as the BJP’s arch rival after the issue of recent turmoil, internal churning and an unstable leadership. After Rahul decided to present his manifesto to fight the Modi-led BJP, he has often complained that the rest of the leaders have not embraced him. The focus was on “hatred” and “cronyism” and there was a huge strain on the “common man” history of the Congress. Along with the Kanyakumari-Kashmir visit, the Delhi rally has been hailed by party strategists as a move to show the Congress alive for the political challenge ahead.
While much of what Rahul said was repeated from his old attack sheets, it was significant as this five-month-long narrative would form part of the Congress and its leaders would campaign in intense mass contact through the Yatra.
Rahul said that BJP and RSS have deliberately created fear in the country. He claimed, “Who is benefitting from this anger and hatred… Two industrialists have taken away all the benefits, be it ports, airports, roads, cell phones, petroleum.”

Slamming Modi again for “using investigative agencies” against the opposition and workers, Rahul said he too was questioned for 55 hours. “But I want to tell Modi, whether you make me sit in the ED office for 55 hours or five years, I am not afraid of your ED. Every Indian has to work to protect the soul of India, the Constitution, the country. If we don’t stay then this country will not survive.” He thanked Congress workers and said, “Only you can save the country”.
He said the UPA gave massive loan waivers, programs like the Land Acquisition Act and MGNREGA, the right to food, while Modi gave a “black” agriculture law and called the job guarantee scheme an “insult to the poor”. “The UPA lifted 27 crore people out of poverty and Modi pushed 23 crore people into poverty in eight years,” he said.
Rahul said that demonetisation took away money from the poor in the name of fighting black money, but later the loans of big corporates were waived off.
watch ‘Halla bol on mehngai’ protest: Rahul Gandhi slams PM Modi over rising prices of LPG, petrol, unemployment