Railway job scam: Suspected BJP worker suspended

The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has suspended a local party worker from Mukkom, who was accused of a huge job fraud in the name of Indian Railways.

MK Shiju, the suspect of the incident, was suspended from the primary membership of the party after he was booked by the Kozhikode rural police on the basis of a complaint lodged by one of the duped couples.

The Mukkom native had already been stripped of several other leadership roles in view of his alleged involvement in similar cases in his village. According to the police, the main charge against him was collection of a huge amount from various railway job aspirants.

“Suspects, including Mr. Shiju, are absconding and a search is on for them,” a civil police officer from Mukkom station said. He also said that there is no fresh petition from anyone other than the one already submitted.

According to the petitioners, the secretly operated job scheme duped more than 500 candidates from various northern Kerala districts. He said that this fraud was done using fake email addresses and instant messaging groups created in the name of Railways.

The complainants had earlier disclosed that the fraudsters acted as members of the Railway Recruitment Board to communicate with the job aspirants and win their trust. Further, the name and designation of the Chairman, Southern Railway was misused to substantiate the fake communication.

The alleged involvement of some local BJP workers in the fake scheme was also shocking to many. Attempts were made on behalf of the suspects to publicize job aspirants by misusing photographs of senior BJP leaders and thereby enrolling more members promising lucrative commissions.