Railways will charge you for carrying extra baggage. Know IRCTC Luggage Rules

From now on you will be charged for carrying extra baggage in trains just like for air travel. And if you are seen carrying extra baggage without booking, you will have to spend 6 times the normal rates.

How much luggage can you take with you for free?

If you are traveling in AC first class, you can carry up to 70 kg for free, and for AC 2-tier, the limit is 50 kg. Luggage up to 40 kg is allowed in AC 3-tier sleeper, AC chair car and sleeper class. For 2-sq., the limit is up to 25kgs.

The minimum charge for luggage is Rs 30.

Class free allowance marginal allowance Maximum Quantity Allowed
AC first class 70 kg 15 kg 150 kg
AC 2-Tier Sleeper / First Class 50 kg 10 kg 100 kg
AC 3-Tier Sleeper/AC Chair Car 40 kg 10 kg 40 kg
sleeper class 40 kg 10 kg 80 kg
second grade 35 kg 10 kg 70 kg

Maximum limit includes free allowance

How to book your luggage?

Baggage that will travel by the same train as the owner must be presented at the baggage office of the booking station at least 30 minutes before the departure time. Passengers can also book their luggage in advance while booking tickets.

A notification in this regard states, “Goods that are not securely packed shall not be accepted for booking and carriage, unless the consignor or his authorized agent executes a forwarding note and such does not record in-kind defects or improper packing.”

Due to the new baggage rules, the Ministry of Railways has recently urged everyone to travel light unless it is absolutely necessary. In a recent tweet, the ministry said in Hindi, ‘If you take more than the luggage, then the fun of the journey will be halved! Do not travel by train carrying a lot of luggage. In case of excess baggage, go to the parcel office and book the luggage.”

What is the penalty for carrying unbooked luggage?

From now on, passengers will be fined for carrying unbooked luggage in the train.

According to the notification, when a passenger is found either on the way or at the destination with unbooked or partially booked baggage, the weight of which exceeds the free allowance, the free baggage allowance shall be exceeded without being booked. The excess weight carried is charged at six times the luggage scale rate. 6 times the scale -R as before.

“However, if unbooked or partially booked baggage is found to be in excess of the then free allowance of baggage but within marginal allowance, it is charged at 1.5 times the rate of scale of baggage.”

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