Rain, thunderstorm warning in South India: IMD

The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has warned that rain, thunder, lightning and strong winds will occur in various states of South India in the next five days. A cyclonic circulation lies over South Interior Karnataka and its neighbourhood, over the middle and upper troposphere levels. IMD said that under its influence, widespread light/moderate rainfall with isolated thunderstorm/lightning/strong winds are very likely to occur over Kerala-Mahe and Karnataka during May 20-22 during the next five days.

Heavy to very heavy rainfall will occur over Coastal and South Interior Karnataka on May 20, and isolated heavy to very heavy falls on May 21. Isolated heavy rainfall will occur over Kerala on May 20-22. IMD said.

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According to the India Meteorological Department (IMD), there is a possibility of rain, thunder and lightning in South India in the next five days. (Twitter/@Indiametdept)

During the next five days, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Telangana will experience isolated thunderstorm/lightning/strong winds with isolated to light/moderate rainfall. There will be a significant reduction in rainfall activity over South Peninsular India from 21st May.

On May 19, the IMD said that Kerala, and Coastal and South Karnataka are likely to receive heavy to very heavy rainfall for the next two days. After that the rain was expected to reduce significantly.

According to the IMD, Assam, Meghalaya and Sub-Himalayan West Bengal may receive widespread light to moderate rainfall with heavy to very heavy falls on May 19-21, which will move from the Bay of Bengal to the north-east and intensify south-east to neighboring areas. Due to westerly winds. Eastern India.

It was also informed that a similar situation would prevail in Sikkim till May 22. There is a possibility of very heavy rain in Meghalaya on May 19-22. The IMD said that there will be a significant reduction in rainfall in Northeast India from May 22.

In addition, isolated light rain or lightning and strong winds are expected over Bihar, Jharkhand, Gangetic West Bengal and Odisha during the next five days, the IMD reported on May 19.

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