Rajasthan session begins in the shadow of election results

BJP ready to take on Congress on coal shortage, law and order issues; Government to target factional fighting within BJP

The session of the Rajasthan Legislative Assembly, which was a continuation of the indefinitely adjourned budget session on March 19 this year, began here on Thursday in the shadow of the results of panchayat body elections held in six districts. The opposition BJP snatched the Jaipur district chief’s seat from the ruling Congress, despite getting a majority in the panchayat samitis.

With the Congress once again at loggerheads, the BJP objected to the state government not sending the file to the governor for prorogation of the budget session. For the first time in the parliamentary history of the state, the session of the Legislative Assembly was called after a gap of more than five months without prorogation of the previous session.

Political observers blamed the government’s unusual decision for the events of last year, when Governor Kalraj Mishra repeatedly heeded the state cabinet’s advice to convene a session after then deputy chief minister Sachin Pilot revolted with 18 MLAs in his support. was turned down.

The BJP is set to take on the Congress on issues like power crisis due to shortage of coal in the assembly, plight of farmers after a weak monsoon and deteriorating law and order situation across the state. Incidents of firing in broad daylight in the state capital are also likely to be taken up in the House.

While the opposition may highlight discontent among Congress MLAs over cabinet expansion and excessive delay in political appointments, the ruling party will see fresh factionalism within the BJP amid fresh allegations leveled by senior leader Kailash Meghwal against the leader of the opposition. Gulab Chand Kataria.

The Assembly was adjourned for the day on Thursday after the House paid tributes to the late leaders, including former Governor Kalyan Singh and former Chief Minister Jagannath Pahadia.

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