Rajesh Vijayakumar’s experimental works in mixed media delve into mysticism and tantric art

35 of his works displayed in mixed media in a two-day exhibition in Thiruvananthapuram

35 of his works displayed in mixed media in a two-day exhibition in Thiruvananthapuram

Mysticism and tantric art inspire self-taught artist Rajesh Vijayakumar. The two-day exhibition ‘Mystics’ at the Museum Auditorium, Thiruvananthapuram showcased 35 of his works in acrylic, charcoal, watercolor and digital art.

Rajesh says that he is reading the Rigveda and the scriptures to understand the symbolism and iconography of Tantric art. Abstract forms and shapes reflect complex philosophical ideas that range from meditation to disturbing forms of the universe.

Some of his best works are in charcoal, with painstaking details painted with brush and charcoal dust. The play of light and shadow gives the paintings a three-dimensional effect, which is evident in the work of a standing Ganesha playing the veena.

‘Anandakkadu’ by Rajesh Vijayakumar has him envision the mysterious, closed B cellar at the Sree Padmanabha Swamy Temple in Thiruvananthapuram. photo credit: special arrangement

The mysterious, unopened B vault of the Sree Padmanabha Swamy temple in Thiruvananthapuram is again ‘anandakkadu’ in charcoal. Rajesh portrays the underground space as one guarded by giant serpents.

Another masterpiece is that of an Aghori, an ascetic with a flowing beard, wrinkles and weather-beaten face. “I enjoy traveling and photography, and some of the pictures I clicked have inspired me to pick up a brush to interpret photographs on canvas.”

The ‘Gangatharangam’, an interesting work in acrylic, depicts the mythological story of the descent of the Ganges through the tangled locks of Lord Shiva as she descends from the sky.

Rajesh Vijayakumar's 'Gangatharangam'

‘Gangatharangam’ by Rajesh Vijayakumar | photo credit: special arrangement

In contrast to the sense of peace and meditation in ‘Gangatharangam’, ‘Kamaghya’ seems to capture the destructive and violent face of nature. “She represents Sati (in the Hindu pantheon) and is a symbol of birth and death,” explains Rajesh.

The two pieces are digital art on canvas. One has the Theyyam artist in all its glory, while the other shows a villainous character from Kathakali.

“The Theyyam painting was taken from a picture taken by me in Kannur. I spend time with the artist to ensure that the intricate work on his face in my work is faithfully reproduced,” says Rajesh.

It takes about a week for Rajesh from concept to completion of a work.

He is also giving classes in art and sculpture under the aegis of his studio Acharya.

Contact: rajeshvijaykumar009@gmail.com