Ram Gopal Varma questions the AP government on the issue of cinema tickets

The filmmaker also asked why the government subsidizes movie tickets on the lines of health and educational services if it feels cinema is essential for the poor.

Filmmaker Ram Gopal Varma asked Minister Perni Venkatramaiah (Nani) a series of questions regarding the limit on ‘fix’ on cinema tickets by the Andhra Pradesh government.

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Mr Verma asked on Twitter on Tuesday, “Dear Cinematography Minister Perni Nani Sir, I request you or your representatives to humbly answer the following questions, Sir. Sir what is the role of government in fixing the market price of any product including films?

He further said, “I understand that in case of acute shortage of essential commodities like wheat, rice, kerosene etc., the government can intervene and fix the price below or above the balance, but how is this applicable to films? It happens?”

He also asked why the government subsidizes movie tickets on the lines of healthcare and educational services if the government feels that cinema is necessary for the poor.

He kept asking the minister whether he would consider building ‘ration theatres’ like ration shops for distribution of rice and sugar.

Mr Verma also offered a ‘solution’ according to which the government and producers can share and sell tickets at prices of their choice and secure their votes and investments.

“I would request you to understand that your government has been given the power to support from below and not sit on top of our heads. Thank you very much,” he said while addressing the Minister Shri Nani.

He also appealed to the film industry. “It is not my request but my demand to all my colleagues in the film industry to speak on their true feelings on the issue of ticket rates because if you don’t speak now you can never speak,” he said.

Meanwhile, the state government had responded to the appeals of manufacturers, distributors and exhibitors Committee reconstituted Recently to discuss cinema ticket pricing and issues related to it.

The committee has representatives, distributors, exhibitors and cine-goers from the Telugu Film Chamber of Commerce along with government officials.
