Ramadan 2023: Importance of fasting during these 30 days before Eid-ul-Fitr

Image source: Freepik Ramadan 2023: Significance of fasting, importance of moon sighting and more

Ramadan, one of the unique months in the Islamic calendar, is considered one of the most important festivals for Muslims. Muslims fast for a month during this period and do not eat between sunrise and sunset. The month also gives people an opportunity to enhance their religious ties and help those around them.

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, however, the exact dates change every year due to Islam’s use of a lunar calendar. Ramzan will begin on Wednesday, March 22 and end with Eid-ul-Fitr on Friday, April 21. The holy month ends with the sighting of the next crescent moon lasting 29 to 30 days.

Importance of fasting in Ramadan

Fasting during Ramadan is one of the most important religious practices in Islam. It is considered one of the Five Pillars of Islam, along with the Declaration of Faith, prayer, charity and the pilgrimage to Mecca. The importance of fasting in Ramadan lies in its ability to foster spiritual growth, self-discipline, and empathy for others.

Fasting during Ramadan is a form of worship and an opportunity for Muslims to connect with Allah. It is a time to reflect on your actions, seek forgiveness and increase your devotion to Allah. Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset, giving up food, water and other physical necessities. The fast is broken at sunset with a meal called iftar and resumed at dawn.

Moon sighting in Ramadan:

The sighting of the moon marks the beginning and end of the month of Ramadan. People and religious leaders look up at the night sky to see the crescent moon before the start of the Ramadan fast. It is a religious tradition that has been going on for many years. The month of Shaban comes before Ramadan. When the customs of sighting the moon are followed, the month of Ramadan begins after sunset on the 29th day of the month of Sha’ban.

Eid-ul-Fitr, one of the major festivals of Islam, is celebrated on the last day of Ramadan. Eid al-Fitr, also known as the Festival of Breaking the Fast, marks the end of the month-long fasting of Ramadan.

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