Ratko Mladik Fast Facts – The Henry Club

Father: nedja mladysik

Mother, Stana Mladiki

wedding: bosiljka maladikki

Children: Darko and Ana


1965 – Graduated from a military academy and joined the Communist Party.

July 1995 – Mladik led the attack on the city of Srebrenica. About this 8,000 Muslim men and boys were killed.

July 1996 – An international warrant has been issued for his arrest.

2001 – goes to Mladik After the arrest of Milosevic went into hiding.

12 October 2007 – Serbian authorities offered one million euros for information to capture Mladi.

May 26, 2011 – Mladik arrested in Serbia,
16 May 2012 – Mladik’s trial begins. He faces two counts of genocide, nine crimes against humanity, and war crimes.
28 January 2014 – he refused to testify in the last genocide trial Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzik And the ICTY refers to the court as “satanic”.
23 October 2014 – ICTY announced that the court will hear details about The collective’s serious investigators believe it has links to Mladik.

7 December 2016 – In closing arguments, prosecutors recommended a life sentence for Mladik.

15 December 2016 – Mladik’s hearing has been adjourned. Three UN judges begin to ponder over his fate. The process can take up to a year.

November 22, 2017 – Mladik sentenced to life imprisonment After being found guilty of genocide and crimes against humanity.

22 March 2018 – Appeals his sentence and punishment.

August 25-26, 2020 – Mladik’s appeal was heard.

8 June 2021 – a UN court upholds Mladik’s sentence and life imprisonment.