Re-skilling and upskilling with digital interventions

As the saying goes, change is the only constant. The field of technology is evolving at such a rapid pace that many of us find it difficult to keep up. The world has witnessed an unparalleled technology disruption over the past decade and the COVID pandemic has prompted organizations across the globe to increase their presence and activity on digital platforms even more.

But these institutions face another hidden challenge that is often overlooked. An organization can only thrive on the back of skilled employees, and the only way to maintain their productivity is by sharpening their skills. In a world where technology advances with every passing day, employees need to keep updating their domain knowledge to maintain their job performance better. Thus the responsibility of helping them in reshaping their skills falls on the shoulders of each organization. Here are some of the reasons that have made re-skilling and upskilling of employees important, and the steps that can be taken to advance this goal.

It is imperative to re-skill and upskill employees. The market by its very nature is in a state of constant flux, which makes it difficult to predict. According to the World Economic Forum’s Future of Jobs report, 75 million jobs could be displaced by the change in the division of labor between humans and machines by the end of 2022. But there can be a ray of hope in this, because 13 crore 30 lakh jobs can come up simultaneously. However, to ensure a smooth transition of this change, it is necessary to acknowledge and address the need to shape people’s skills for the future, starting today. It is for the welfare of the workers.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is being understood as the future of technology, as it has the potential to operate in every field, especially in business. Advanced algorithms can not only capture patterns in data volumes, but also interpret them. AI can perform complex calculations at lightning speed and perform the research and analysis needed to run a business. Seeing as how this casts a shadow on the jobs of millions earning millions, it is important for everyone to adapt to this new wave of technology before it is too late.

Value of L&D: Every organization needs to build a learning and development (L&D) model that can effectively expose employees to the ground realities of the market. Employees need to observe real changes in market expectations and understand what will be required of them in these rapidly evolving circumstances. Productive training sessions should be conducted that help everyone in the workforce to envision their own career path as well as improve their skills. These sessions can also be used to enhance their technical knowledge and create awareness about the updates, so that they can make the best possible use of their software systems. Adopting this practice on a regular basis will connect the employees to the trends and thus benefit them greatly in the long run.

Continuing learning as the ‘new normal’: Just as wearing masks and ensuring the practice of social-distancing has been accepted as the new post-COVID normal, learning essential facts related to technology is a new normal in this digital age Should be made. Technological progress has gained enormous momentum in the past few years, and is likely to continue in the near future as well. Keeping this in mind, all employees should develop the habit of seeking any information related to their field, especially in the context of digital development.

Instead of seeing automated technology as a threat to their livelihoods, employees need to focus on how it will benefit them; And it is the responsibility of human resources (HR) leaders to help them communicate and strategize their path forward. While the younger generation of employees is quick to adapt to new technology, there is a need to assist seniors in this transition.

It is important to note that AI does much more than just eliminate physical labor; It uses data and statistical tools to allow innovative forms of administration and equip employees with ways to increase their productivity. The razor-sharp analysis of AI is seen to create a momentum that lets employees season themselves in less time and achieve their objectives at an individual as well as group level. Done carefully, this process has the potential to effect changes that can also promote workplace inclusivity.

The need for an open mindset: The digital evolution of the world is changing the nature of jobs in every profession. As a result, we are witnessing random changes in the working pattern of the employees; Some complain of disruption, while others adopt new modes of operation. Therefore, the workforce should be positively strengthened to take an open-minded approach to change, as it will help reduce friction in the event of a rapid transition. While this is a relatively abstract element, an open mindset can prove to be a valuable asset in improving employees for future endeavors.

It is aptly predicted that the post-pandemic era will see a change in global dynamics. Amidst this change, heads of state and corporate executives from seven continents of the world will have to evolve and rework their strategies to lead the way forward with technology confidence. Leaders must utilize all the resources at their disposal to create awareness and drive reforms that aim to keep the skill-set of their workforce up to the mark. With change accelerating, leaders need to work with all those who lead to create a mechanism that encourages innovation and adaptability.

Rakhi Shah is the Senior Director of Human Resources at Mobilem

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