Real or AI-generated? Viral video of “mutant” pigeon leaves the Internet baffled

The video has garnered over 18 million views and over 23,000 likes.

A video showing a “mutant pigeon” with bloated breasts and long legs has left social media users in awe. The now-viral video was shared on Twitter last month and has since collected over 18 million views and over 23,000 likes.

The clip features a strange looking bird perched on a table with its long legs and chest puffed out. The post’s caption reads, “Like the different types of domestic dogs, pet pigeons come in all shapes and sizes, just like this pouter pigeon.”

Watch the video below:

Needless to say, this creature caught the attention of internet users. While some believed that the bird was definitely a product of artificial intelligence (AI), others compared it to a pokemon, Some even wondered whether this pigeon was the result of a genetic mutation.

One user wrote, “It’s like evolving a Pokemon.” Another said, “He looks like a snowball in a Rick and Morty mech suit.”

A third user commented, “This is someone trying to prove evolution by breeding pigeons into Velociraptors”. A fourth said, “really curious to know what the inputs were for the video request for the AI”.

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Some users even jokingly compared the creature to something worn by celebrities at the “Met Gala”. One user wrote, “It’s definitely two pigeons under trench coats.” Another joked, “I’m making a pigeon from my memory.”

According to new york post, the bird is actually an English pouter pigeon, a species of homing pigeon that is “the tallest breed of fancy pigeons, some of which reach 16 inches in height”. It is known for being able to inflate its crop—the muscular sac on the inside of its neck.

The English Pouter Pigeon is often referred to as the “supermodel” of the pigeon world because of its striking appearance.

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