Recommended 5 South Indian Cooler Recipes to Keep You Hydrated in Summer

Summer is almost here and we are experiencing a sudden rise in temperature, leading to sweating, burning and dehydration. This is why doctors recommend increasing fluid intake to maintain the body’s water balance. We agree that the word fluid reminds us of water, but gallons of water aren’t the only way to keep our bodies cool. Apart from water, we should also include coolers, sherbet, chaas, lassi etc. in our summer diet. These drinks not only keep our body cool but also help in keeping away many seasonal diseases. That’s correct! Drinks like chaas, lassi and fresh fruit juices are packed with several essential nutrients that help benefit our overall health. Keeping this in mind, we bring you some of our favorite drinks that are full of flavor and can be easily prepared at home. The roots of each of these drinks are found in South Indian kitchens. Let me tell you about the recipe.

(Also read: Immunity Boosting Lemon Mint Sorbet Recipe for Your Family,

Here are 5 of our favorite South Indian cooler recipes for you:

1. Kulluki Sherbet:

A popular drink from Kerala, Kulluki sherbet is a South Indian-style lemonade. While we associate lemonade with sweet and tangy taste, this drink comes with a surprising element in it. Kulluki sherbet includes a hint of spice (green chillies). He is not everything. It also contains sabja seeds (basil seeds) which make the drink super soothing to the stomach. Click here for detailed recipe.

2. Neer More:

Visit any South Indian restaurant, you will be greeted with a refreshing drink like glass chaas. This drink is quintessentially called Neer Mor. Neer Mor is a must in all households in Tamil Nadu, Neer Mor is spicy buttermilk that contains many spices. This drink is also known as ‘Tak’ in Maharashtra, ‘Majjiga’ in Andhra Pradesh and ‘Neer Majige’ in Karnataka. Click here for the recipe.

3. Pankam:

Another popular drink in various regions of South India, Pankam is a jaggery based drink consisting of lemon, camphor and dry ginger powder. The best part about this drink is that it hits the spot even when served at room temperature. According to food experts, pacam has also been used for centuries as an oral rehydration solution (ORS). Click here for the recipe.

4. Jigarthanda:

Jigarthanda is a cold drink that originates in Tamil Nadu. Jigarthanda – which literally means listen (liver) and cool (cool) – can be compared to Falooda and is easily accessible on every road in the area. for more information click here.

5. Ragi Malt:

Ambali or Ragi Malt is a summer drink or porridge prepared in Karnataka. The drink is prepared by boiling ragi flour in water and then cooling it and then adding curd or buttermilk diluted with cumin powder, salt and chopped onions to it. Click here for the recipe.

Now that you have these amazing recipes, we suggest making them at home and enjoying the summer season to the fullest.

About Somdutt SahuInvestigator- Somdutt likes to call this himself. In the case of food, people or places, she only wants to know the unknown. A simple aglio oleo pasta or dal-rice and a good movie can make his day.