Recovering from Dengue? Here’s Why Kiwis Should Be on Your Diet

This tart fruit benefits heart health, digestion and immunity.

It is important to eat a healthy diet that will promote both short-term and long-term recovery when someone has dengue fever. One such fruit is kiwi, which is famous for its high vitamin C and dietary fiber content. Know here the remarkable benefits of this fruit

Dengue is a viral infection spread by the female Aedes mosquito, which transmits dengue-causing virus cells from infected to healthy people through a bite. Dengue not only weakens the body but also causes serious complications like lack of platelets and in rare cases dengue shock syndrome. If one gets dengue fever, it becomes important to consume a nutritious diet that will help in both short-term and long-term recovery. Nutrient-rich fruits and vegetables with many health benefits should be included in the diet.

Kiwi is one such fruit, and it is known for its high vitamin C and dietary fiber content. This tart fruit benefits heart health, digestion and immunity. It is a nutritious fruit that is rich in vitamins and antioxidants.

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Here are 5 health benefits of kiwi:

  1. Provides immunity: Due to their high vitamin C content, kiwis can significantly enhance the body’s immune response. Kiwis, which are high in antioxidants, can help the body eliminate free radicals and reduce oxidative stress.
  2. Regulates heart health: Kiwis are also high in dietary fiber, which lowers heart disease risk factors by lowering LDL, or bad cholesterol.
  3. Promotes Digestion: Kiwis are high in dietary fiber, which helps reduce the effects of constipation and many other gastrointestinal issues and discomfort.
  4. Promotes Eye Health: Kiwis are high in antioxidants, carotenoids and minerals. As a result, they aid in eye health and promote vision.
  5. Promote lung health: Due to immune deficiency, many dengue patients who also have asthma may experience an increase in symptoms. The presence of vitamin C in kiwi helps in reducing the symptoms in such conditions by increasing the functioning of the lungs.

In case of confirmed dengue infection, consult a doctor for medication and diet.

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