REET final answer key, result likely today: How to download score card, pass percentage

exam conducting body, secondary board education Rajasthan (RBSE) Ajmer is all set to declare REET final answer key and exam result on 30th August on official website Applicants who have appeared for Rajasthan Eligibility Test for Teachers (REET) By entering your roll number and other details, will check and download your results from the official website.

Around 16 lakh candidates appeared for the exam this year. This was the highest number of applicants who appeared for REET in the last few years. The candidates who had registered for REET 2022 are eagerly waiting for the release of their results. Here are some simple procedures for the students to check their marks after the declaration.

REET Result 2022: Steps to Download

Step 1. Applicants are advised to visit the official site of REET at

Step 2. Following Step-2 Click on REET Result Link 2022 tab available on the home page (Once declared)

Step 3. Enter login details

Step 4. Click on Submit

Step 5. After that, you will have your result on the screen

Step 6. Cross-check the details and result

Step 7. Download it

Step 8. Take a printout of it for future reference.

REET 2022: Category-Wise Cut-Off

Candidates will be considered REET qualified if their marks are equal to or more than the cutoff score. As per the REET exam structure, the test will have two levels, Level I and Level II, carrying 150 marks each.

grade Qualifying Cut-Off
General 60%
Other backward classes 55%
scheduled caste 55%
scheduled tribe 36%
Women and Ex-Servicemen 50%
physically handicapped 40%
Sahariya tribe 36%

The exam-checking body was reinstated for measures such as cutting off students’ arms and removing dupatta to prevent cheating. According to reports, the buttons of the salwar were cut and the pin of the sari was removed. The students were also asked to remove bandages from their wounds. In the city’s Modern School, MB School, BEd College, Gurukul, Maharawal School and Kishanlal Garg School, the dupattas of women and girls were removed and kept with the examination conducting authorities. REET 2022 candidates were also asked to remove their mangalsutras, bangles and hair clips. He also had to take off his slippers and shoes.

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