Regarding meeting in UK, India object to PM Modi’s opposite ‘remarks’

in the meeting


Parliamentarians in Britain have put up a motion on “Human Rights in Kashmir” for discussion in the House of Commons, to which India has reacted strongly, saying that the claim made at any forum on the subject related to an integral part of the country can be confirmed. needs to be certified. Proposals of the ‘All Party Parliamentary Group’ (APPG) Change and Change in the Environment (to change the banger)

this also further

“There is such a situation from the government,” Milling said, “there will be a permanent solution in case India and the situation are resolved.” .

The Indian government has influenced the one who works in this way. An official of the High Commission in London got married to go on broadcast on Narendra Modi.

Shah’s speaking position on the 2002 riots,” the Indian High Commission is said to be in a state of deteriorating condition. It has also been said that it is to be reiterated at the high level of India that the same will be done at the high level of India as was done before at any forum.
More than 20 meetings are held. For the hater is harmful to the barry. In “this” year he said:

(news said)


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