Regular physical activity can reduce the risk of pneumonia and its serious effects

The health benefits of regular physical activity or exercise are well described (Image: Shutterstock)

A new study has recently claimed that regular physical activity can also help reduce the risk of pneumonia and its harmful effects.

The health benefits of regular physical activity or exercise are well described. From promoting better health to preventing chronic diseases or delaying many health problems, it is one of the most effective ways to rely on. In addition to all these benefits, a recent new study claims that regular physical activity can also help reduce the risk of pneumonia and its harmful effects. Pneumonia is an infection in the lung tissue caused by bacteria or viruses that can be mild or sometimes fatal.

A new study published in the journal Geroscience claims that regular physical activity has been shown to improve the acute and long-term prognosis of pneumonia in older patients. More than one million participants were studied to evaluate the magnitude and specificity of the potential association between regular physical activity and pneumonia risk. Previously, some studies have reported an association between physical activity and a lower risk of pneumonia, while others have denied any such evidence.

A recent study led by the University of Bristol claims strong and convincing evidence of an association between regular physical activity and a lower risk of pneumonia.

The study also noted that pathophysiological mechanisms are related to the ability of physical activity to improve body weight, levels of potential risk factors such as hypertension, lipids, hemostatic factors, adipokines and sex hormones, and reduce systemic inflammation. Huh. The protective effect of physical activity on infection includes stimulation of the antipathogen activity of immune system macrophages and key immune system cells in the blood, as well as suppressing inflammation in the lungs. All of these findings underscore the association of physical activity and the risk of pneumonia and pneumonia-related mortality.

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