Regulatory framework needed to be changed to allow technology development: Telecom Minister

Government plans to revamp regulatory area to facilitate technology development

new Delhi:

Telecom Minister Ashwini Vaishnav on Sunday said the government aims to change the regulatory framework to allow technology development and encourage dialogue with the industry as partners and not as opponents.

Addressing the inaugural session of a TDSAT symposium, Shri Vaishnav said that the system has engulfed everyone and some people who did not have sufficiently strong values, created a mess that has discredited the telecom market in the past. .

“Can we have one regulator for the whole digital world? Things like this are happening. We need to understand the legal structure, the regulatory execution structure, the way our government bodies think, our entire regulatory set-up in terms of people. What really needs to be overhauled. Trained, the way we interact with the industry – not as opponents but as partners. This is the next big thing we have to do,” Mr. Vaishnav said.

The Telecom Minister further said that not much has been done yet, but there is a need to continue the growth of the technology stack and work towards adding more and more start-ups to it as this is a market that is expected to grow in the future. Entrepreneur can build generations

“We were lagging behind when we were 2G and 3G. We are trying to catch up with 4G. We should at least go together in 5G but we should move forward in 6G. Otherwise what is the point of being a nation What is called a genius nation today. A gifted nation should think in the way where it leads, sets goals and sets direction for the whole world,” the minister encouraged.

He said that a consortium of 11 institutes including IIT Chennai, IIT Kanpur, IIT Bombay, IISc Bangalore has created 4G technology in 14 months with an expenditure of about $30 million, which is a very small fraction of the cost at which the telecom sector are the major players. technology has been created.

The minister said that 35 Indian telecom companies are now looking to export their products abroad. He mentioned that the most important study groups for the future development of 5G and 6G under the International Telecommunication Union are now being chaired by Indian representatives.