Reimagining Australia: The Hindu Editorial on Anthony Albanese Labor Government

Mr. Albanese’s decisions will have far-reaching consequences over the next three years

Mr. Albanese’s decisions will have far-reaching consequences over the next three years

After nine years in opposition Australian Labor PartyUnder the leadership of Anthony Albanese, is back in power. When 74.6% of the votes were counted, it won 75 seats in the 151-member House of Representatives; The conservative Liberal National Coalition won 57 seats. More than a victory for Labour, which is still one seat short of an absolute majority, this election will be remembered for the defeat of the Conservatives, who had 77 seats in the outgoing assembly. The election also saw a large section of Australian voters opt for Greens and independents, who campaigned on placards for better environmental standards and anti-corruption policies. In an election where inflation and climate policy dominated the agenda, Scott Morrison, the conservative leader, failed to understand the pulse of the public. Even as the annual inflation number hit a 20-year high of 5.1%, the Morrison government took comfort in the argument that the unemployment rate was low. Mr Morrison has also been criticized for his inaction on climate challenges after repeated bushfires in Australia. His government’s handling of the COVID-19 crisis, coupled with stringent lockdowns, and inaction within Parliament and even within the cabinet over allegations of rape and sexual assault also sparked widespread public outcry.

Mr Albanese, on the other hand, took advantage of this anger with a carefully crafted campaign. On climate, an issue that 29% of voters identified as the most important, Labor made several promises. It has vowed to increase the share of renewable energy to 82% by 2030. Mr Albanese plans to reduce emissions by 43% in this decade. He has also promised to index the minimum wage for inflation. Another major promise is to call for a constitutional vote to establish a representative body to advise parliament on legislation affecting indigenous peoples. Running a successful election campaign is tough, but leading a government that delivers on campaign promises is tough. Apart from coming up with an ambitious plan to tackle inflation and tackle the climate challenge, the Prime Minister also faces a huge foreign policy challenge. Mr Morrison had abandoned Australia’s traditional middle path on China and joined an American-British alliance (AUKUS), specifically targeting Beijing’s influence in the Indo-Pacific. Mr Albanese must decide whether he should follow the path set by his predecessor and face the challenge of China or take Australia back to old school pragmatism and coexistence. The decisions it makes – domestic and overseas – will reshape Australia’s position in the Indo-Pacific over three years.