Relatives of those crushed in Indonesia football match mourn – Times of India

Jember, Indonesia: Families and friends of some of the 125 people killed after an Indonesian football match mourned as the bodies of the victims were returned home on Monday. Seventeen children were also among the dead.
Distraught family members struggled to understand the sudden loss of loved ones at a football match in East Java’s Malang city, which was only witnessed by the hometown. arema FC fans because the organizer banned coming persebaya surabayaSupporters because of Indonesia’s history of violent football rivalry.
The crush at a sporting event was one of the deadliest disasters the world has ever experienced. President joko widodo An investigation into security procedures was ordered, and the president of FIFA called the deaths “a dark day and a tragedy beyond comprehension for all involved in football”.
Faikotul Hikmah, 22, nicknamed Arema for fans of Arema – was an Aremania – who died while running to exit 12 at Kanjuruhan Stadium.
A dozen friends traveled to see the match but Hikmah was one of only four who entered the stadium as tickets were sold out, his friend Abdul mukido, said on Monday in an Associated Press interview. He later bought a ticket separately from a broker and then learned about the chaos inside the stadium.
“I have to find her, save her… It has kept me from thinking about anything else,” recalled Mukeed, “the situation is really… really terrible!”
Two of his friends were killed and two were injured. Mukid found Hickmah’s body lying in a building in the stadium complex, his face covered with bluish wounds and broken ribs.
At the home of Hikamah’s parents in Jember, East Java province, relatives wept when an ambulance arrived with her body wrapped in white clothes and a black blanket.
Noor Laila, Hikmah’s elder sister, said, “I cannot express in words how sad it is to lose my sister.” “She was just a big Arema fan who wanted to see her favorite team play. He shouldn’t die just for her,” she said, wiping away tears.
Mukeed learns that a second friend had died from friends who had called him while he was taking Hickmah’s body to the hospital. Mukeed said that 19-year-old Nowal son Auliya was an orphan, who was taken care of by his brother, as his parents had died five years ago.
The Ministry of Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection said at least 17 children were among the dead and seven children were injured who were being treated in hospitals. Police say a total of 323 people were injured in the crush, some of whom are still in critical condition.
Witnesses said fans flooded the pitch and demanded that Arema management explain why Saturday night’s 3-2 loss against Persebaya followed 23 years of undefeated home matches. Some of the 42,000 Arema fans threw bottles and other objects at players and soccer officials. At least five police vehicles were torched and set ablaze outside the stadium.
Riot police trying to stop the violence fired tear gas shells, including by standing bystanders, and began a panicky, chaotic race to evade a devastating crush of fans. Most of the 125 people who died were crushed or suffocated. Children are reported to be among the casualties, and two other police officers have been reported.
“I ensure that this case will be investigated thoroughly and seriously,” national police chief Listyo Sigit Prabowo told a news conference late Sunday.
Widodo ordered the suspension of the Premier Football League until security was reevaluated and security tightened. The Football Federation of Indonesia has also banned Arema from hosting football matches for the rest of the season.
Rights group Amnesty International urged Indonesia to investigate the use of tear gas in stadiums and ensure that violators are prosecuted in open court. While FIFA has no control over home games, it has advised against the use of tear gas in football stadiums.
Despite Indonesia’s lack of international acclaim in the game, hooliganism remains rampant in the football-obsessed country where bigotry often ends in violence. Data from Indonesia’s soccer watchdog, Save Our Soccer, shows that 78 people have been killed in sport-related incidents over the past 28 years.
Saturday’s game was one of the world’s worst crowd disasters in sport, including the 1996 World Cup qualifier between Guatemala and Costa Rica in Guatemala City, which killed more than 80 people and injured more than 100. Were. In April 2001, more than 40 people were crushed to death during a football match at Ellis Park in Johannesburg, South Africa.