Remember your old office? Welcome back, say companies – Times of India

The next time you head to the office cafeteria for a quick bite, don’t be surprised if you run into coworkers who quit during the pandemic. They are fresh recruits. After the ‘great resignation’, largely defined as a higher-than-normal accident rate during the pandemic in the tech sector, many employees are said to be returning to their previous employers.
The trend of these ‘boomerang employees’ who are said to leave a company and return is rapidly emerging, with organizations opening their doors to accommodate their former employees. MakeMyTrip, one of the many companies that saw high levels of attrition, has seen 35-40 people rejoining the firm. MakeMyTrip CRO Yuvraj Srivastava He said he has been receiving emails from former employees who want to come back as the industry rebounds. He said the returnees say “they have realized the value of the culture here and an able leadership” after spending six months in a different organization.
Recruitment Agency Entl India MD Joseph Devasia Said that over the past two months a number of customers within Tech have asked candidates who left the organization to get back. “We understand that those who left are not happy and want to return. Many of them left with a higher compensation package. But many of them want to return because of the work culture in the previous organization , which they recall. Of the candidates who left during the ‘great resignation’, 20-30% are looking to return to the old employer,” said Devasia. The sentiment is similar to that of customers who want former employees back. For example, a tech startup, said Devasia, is running a full-fledged project with Entel India to bring back the talent.

“The benefits of the boomerang employee phenomenon will mostly go to organizations that have seen some amount of consistency in their culture, the way they run the organization and the way they treat people. In our case, we see this trend in many Have been looking for years. But over the years, it has been scaled up further,” said Srivastava. Over the past 18 months, MakeMyTrip has created a distinct in the hiring team to focus on Boomerang employees and offer dropout cases. Created verticals. “The common sense is that candidates are excited to rejoin. We’ve also included line managers who worked with people who left to influence them to come back,” said Srivastava .
MakeMyTrip also plans to launch a referral program for leaders to bring back their team members. “The return of the old employees has had a positive impact on the morale of the entire organization,” Srivastava said. In the past few years, the industry saw a huge churn in the front line. 30-40% of the offers were dropouts and attrition was hovering around 20-30%. This had become a matter of concern for all the companies. “This shows that there was a huge gap in terms of demand and supply and there was a lack of clarity around career aspirations and planning. With the youth, it was becoming more apparent and completely messing things up,” Srivastava said.
antle international Founder and Chief Executive Officer Anthony Goodwin Said, “As an organization, we benefited from great resignations as there were many job opportunities for the candidates. Now we are seeing a trend globally where people have realized that the grass is not green on the other side. They want to return to their previous employers and companies are also keen to rehire that talent. This is driven not only by the tech and startup worlds, but by the huge resurgence in the hospitality sector. We Boomerang employees. Facilitating that whole process, especially in Europe.”