Reopening schools: Lack of comprehensive approach will exacerbate education inequality, says report

According to a new report by the National Coalition on the Education Emergency (NCEE), there may not be a “return to school” as usual after their reopening and the lack of a comprehensive approach will deepen existing education inequality. The report – “A Future at Stake Guidelines and Principles to Resume and Renew Education” – on Tuesday made a set of recommendations to help schools reopen when India’s 250 million children after 18 months in the midst of disastrous education returning to schools. Loss.

Development economist Jean Dreze said that the National Policy on Education 2020 includes a commitment to simplify the curriculum and this is a good time to do so. “An overwhelming majority of India’s 250 million children, now returning to schools, had no regular contact with teachers or structured learning opportunities during the pandemic, leading to an emergency of disproportionate proportions to education.

“Nevertheless, state governments are reopening schools as if nothing serious has happened, shifting students by grade two and following the normal curriculum, often to bring them up to grade level. After a short remedial course,” the report said. . The report recommends focusing the education recovery effort on language and math competencies and adopting a socio-emotional development approach. “This will allow students to progress in multiple subjects. This means adjustments in the syllabus and timetable to give adequate time to these curricular areas,” it added.

The report also highlighted the loss of even the most basic language and math skills among children of the rural and urban poor, Dalits, tribals, minorities and migrant labourers, causing millions to drop out. Shanta Sinha, former head of the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights, said, “We have done a lot wrong with our children.”

“The entire education system is inactive for 18 months. Online education has been a disaster. Children have lost the habit of reading and writing. Treating our children’s return to school as business as usual will do an irreparable loss to them and their lives and put India’s future at stake.

According to Sajita Bashir, former Global Advisor for Education at the World Bank and NCEE Core Member, countries around the world are modifying curriculum and teaching methods to enable children to re-engage with education, focusing on core competencies. are focused and providing additional resources. and budget, instructional time and effort to help the underprivileged.

The guidelines recommend comprehensive action, including regular coaching and mentoring of teachers; Provision of additional learning material for restructured curriculum and back-to-school enrollment drive. It also suggested actions covering health and nutrition for children; Regular and simple two-way communication with parents, school management committee members, teachers, local authorities and other primary stakeholders as well as proactive management through district education emergency units and additional funds.

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