“Repeat the line”: US President Joe Biden pokes fun at the teleprompter gaffe

Joe Biden made a mistake in a speech on Friday. (AFP file photo)

US President Joe Biden mocked him on social media for the mistake he made during a speech. Mr Biden made a mistake on Friday when speaking about protecting women’s reproductive rights.

“It is noteworthy that the percentage of women who register to vote and vote is consistently higher than the percentage of men who repeat the line at the end of the quote. Women are not without electoral and, or, political-letting. Let me be precise: no more, or—or political power,” Biden said during his address.

As the clip surfaced online, social media users reported that the US president read out speaker notes to explain where the bidding had ended and a note instructing him to repeat it.

One user on Twitter said, “Somebody stop this.” “America out of 260 million population are you sure he was the best man for the job,” said another.

“And this guy has nuclear launch codes,” read another tweet.

As video of the president’s mistake went viral, Emily Simmons, assistant press secretary at the White House, tried to correct the record by saying, “No. He said, ‘Let me repeat the line,'” she said.

But several Twitter users accused the White House staffer of lying.

“Everyone can watch the video and hear what he said, yet you’re lying about it. Do you think 1984 was an instruction manual?” Christine Pusa, spokeswoman for Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, tweeted.

“Lol. No, he didn’t,” said John Cooper of the Heritage Foundation.

Mr Biden later signed an executive order to help with security women’s access to abortion And contraception came after the Supreme Court last month overturned a Rowe v Wade decision that legalized abortion.

Biden, a Democrat, has been under pressure from supporters, especially progressives, to act after the landmark decision that upheld nearly 50 years of protections for women’s reproductive rights.

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