Report recommends Rs 25 lakh to the families of forest martyrs. Nagpur News – Times of India

Nagpur: Grant of Rs.25 lakh or more to forest martyrPayment of ex-gratia in a week to families, guard of honor and commemoration at par with police personnel, President’s medal and gallantry awards to frontline staff for showing exemplary courage and setting up of Forest Tribunal for speedy handling of forest, wildlife and matters relating to environment are some of the recommendations of the five members MoEFCC Committee Established to improve the working conditions of forest workers.
The first committee headed by former IAS officer Keshav Saran Verma, which was set up on September 19, 2020, submitted its detailed report to MoEFCC Minister Bhupendra Yadav, detailing measures to improve the working conditions of forest frontline personnel in India. Recommended a series, which some protect. The world’s most valuable ecosystems and the last refuges of various threatened species.
Frontline staff facing the onslaught of anti-social elements and wildlife criminals is the first line of defense against such irreversible damage to the environment. In this context there is a need to understand the emerging roles and responsibilities of forestry personnel.
The committee identified thematic areas such as capacity building, human resource development, administrative set-up, introduction of common forest services and other specific recommendations aimed at enhancing professionalism and modernizing forest management.
The panel has suggested an urgent need for field-based training and mock drills along with regular review and up-gradation of curriculum to ensure better preparation. This involves using GIS tools to identify site-specific threats and classify threat levels into three categories (high, medium and low).
“It is essential to have standardized training modules along with specialized modules of accounting for the challenges unique to each state and scenario and variation in socio-economic conditions. Advanced technology and adequate equipment should be at the disposal of the training institutes to ensure that the desired inputs are provided to the frontline staff,” the report said.
The MoEF&CC, in consultation with the states, should also fix the duration of induction training for each level of employees which should not be less than six months. Thereafter, every year, the frontline employees will have to undergo such training for a period of at least one week.
The committee has also recommended promotion related training of frontline employees. The period of in-service training for promotion to higher level should be 6 months for RFO and 3 months for Forest Guards and Forest Guards.
The report calls for a cadre review of each state to rationalize human resources. The department should have at least one assured career progression plan to ensure a combination of youth and experienced field staff.
The panel has recommended that forest frontline staff be treated on par with police personnel. Police and forest personnel are the two major uniformed services in the states who are required to be on duty round the clock and are always under pressure to keep anti-social elements under control.
Like the police services, MoEF&CC should work to recognize the exemplary work done by the forest officers, especially the frontline staff, through the institution of the President’s Medal for Forestry Personnel.
Outstanding performance in implementing forest conservation, wildlife management, forestry and wildlife programs and investigation of crimes resulting from prosecution may establish at least five awards each.
Sources in NTCA and MoEFCC confirmed the submission of the report and said, “These recommendations require the support of the Central and State Governments for effective implementation towards a paradigm shift.”
what is recommended
*Forest police station on the lines of police*
*More benches of NGT
*Special bench at district level for wildlife matters
* Forest employees should be treated like police service
*Advanced technology and adequate equipment in forest training institutes
* Duration of induction training for each level of employees should not be less than six months
* National level integrated web portal for dissemination of frontline forest employee management best practices
*Coordination of promotion in various wings of Forest Department
*Contractual and temporary eligible for regular benefits on completion of 10 years of appointment
*Timely distribution of daily wages

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