Report says Nikki Haley leads Biden but behind Trump in hypothetical matchup

Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley speaks to voters at a town hall campaign event | File photo | Photo Credit: AP

Less than a fortnight after entering the race for the White House, Indian-American Nikki Haley is leading in a hypothetical match against President Joe Biden, a latest opinion poll said on Friday.

But he is trailing badly against former President Donald Trump, the GOP’s leading candidate, the Rasmussen Report said based on a poll conducted between February 16 and 19.

Amazingly, according to the poll Ms Haley, 51, is supported by 18 per cent of Democrats, indicating her reach and support base outside her traditional Republican Party.

“The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online poll shows that, if the 2024 election was between Ms. Haley and Mr. Biden, 45 percent of likely American voters would vote for Ms. Haley and 41 percent for Mr. Biden do. , “said the report.

In a hypothetical faceoff with the current White House incumbent, Ms Haley would receive 18 per cent of Democratic support to Biden’s 74 per cent, according to the report.

She comes in third among Republicans behind Trump (52 percent) and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (24 percent).