Republic Day 2022: Make these 7 Chicken Snacks in 30 Minutes and Enjoy the Holiday

Most of us love chicken in every form and do not feel like eating it for lunch, snacks or dinner. The joy of eating chicken dishes increases manifold during the holidays when we are completely relaxed and spend time with our family. So, are you planning to treat your loved ones on Republic Day, which also happens to be a holiday? If yes, then your search ends here. We have compiled a list of seven chicken snack recipes for you. You will not have to spend much time in the kitchen to make these recipes. These can be prepared in just 30 minutes.

(Also read: Chicken Vegetable Soup Is The Protein-Rich Winter Dinner Recipe You’ve Been Looking For,

1) Goa Chicken Rava Fry

This is a quick recipe which hardly takes 20 minutes. All you have to do is prepare a paste and marinate the chicken pieces in it. Simply coat the marinated pieces with rava (semolina) and pan-fry them. Your delicious breakfast is ready.

2) Chicken Hara Bhar Kebab

Kebabs are always the best choice for any social gathering or last minute gatherings. Chicken Hara Bhara Kebabs made with a variety of vegetables and spices are rich in protein and taste amazing.


3) Kerala Style Chili Chicken

Chili Chicken is a very popular dish. However, Kerala Style Chili Chicken is different from the regular recipe out there. This version of chili chicken includes a classic blend of homegrown spices without the use of sauces. Take a look at the recipe and prepare a delicious dish for your loved ones.

(Also read: Love Butter Chicken? Start Your Day With Creamy Butter Chicken Sandwich Spread (Recipe Inside)

4) Chicken Spring Roll

We do not get to taste spring rolls regularly and hence this dish is special and we look forward to it whenever it is prepared. This Chicken Spring Roll can be easily made at home and loved by all in the family. You just need all the ingredients and you are good to go.


5) Chicken Mince Bread Roll

We love to indulge in healthy, deep-fried bread rolls every now and then. For this just prepare your stuffing which includes minced chicken, mashed potatoes and other vegetables. Simply flatten the bread slice and put the filling inside. Roll up the slices and fry.

6) Oat Crusted Chicken Tenders

This is a hit recipe and we are sure Oat Crusted Chicken Tender will be loved by everyone at home including kids. Chicken marinated with lots of spices and fried till crispy will surely make your day.

chicken tenders

7) Oriental Basil Chicken

Although basil leaves are usually not added when cooking chicken the desi way, this recipe calls for it. This is a simple and hassle-free take on chicken that keeps the freshness of basil leaves along with other spices and sauces.

On this Republic Day, prepare these easy Chicken Recipes for yourself and your family. Biggest takeaway: You don’t need to spend hours in the kitchen to make these.
