Reservoirs in Visakhapatnam are filled with heavy flow

Due to heavy inflow, some reservoirs had to open gates to release the excess water, causing flooding in many low-lying areas of the district.

GVMC’s superintendent engineer (water supply) KVN Ravi said on Wednesday that heavy rains in the last few days under the influence of Cyclone Gulab have led to heavy inflow of water into the reservoirs of the district.

As per the data received from GVMC on Wednesday, the present water level in Meghadrigedda reservoir is 60 feet against the maximum water level of 61 feet. The MWL of Yelleru Reservoir is 86.56 m, and its current level is 82.14 m. The maximum level of Godavari reservoir is 18 meters and its present level is 15 meters. Rayawada stands at 112.68 m while the maximum water level is 114 m.

Similarly, the maximum water level of Thattipudi reservoir is 297 feet and till Wednesday evening its level was 294.40 feet. Similarly, the present level of Gambhiram Gedda is 123.9 feet against the absolute level of 126 feet. The water level in Mudasarlova Reservoir, which has also received good inflow, is 168.60 ft, while its maximum water level is 169 ft. The predetermined water level of Gosthani reservoir is 32 feet while its full level is 35 feet.

Due to heavy inflow, some reservoirs had to open gates to release the excess water, causing flooding in many low-lying areas of the district. Shri Ravi said that the water level situation in all the reservoirs is being closely monitored.

“There has been no shortfall in the water supply in the last few years due to rains at regular intervals. These rains have not only inundated the local water bodies but also raised the ground water level, which is a good sign. There cannot be any water shortage in the city in the near future,” said a senior GVMC official.


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