Revealed! Sangeeta Ghosh is mother to a seven-month-old baby girl (exclusive) – Times of India

Sangeeta Ghosh is in a very happy place right now, but not many know the reason. The actress is a mother to a seven-month-old baby girl, whom she has named Devi. Sangeeta, who had gone to Jaipur a week ago to perform puja and havan for her daughter, says, “Devi was born prematurely on December 25 last year. It was a worrying time, as she had preterm babies and was in the NICU for 15-days. Not that we hid the news, but we decided not to talk about it until we felt the time was right. ,

Even when she is enjoying maternal bliss, she finds it hard to believe that she has been blessed with a child. She shares, “Sometimes, it feels so real that I ask my husband to pinch me. Devi is a very happy child and an imitation of my husband (entrepreneur Rajeev Shailendra Singh). I chanted the Gayatri Mantra the first time I held her… she opened her eyes and smiled. I can’t forget that moment.”

Sangeeta returned to work soon after the birth of the child. He had to go to Chandigarh for the shooting of his show Swarna Ghar. Apparently, she finds herself torn apart every time she has to leave her baby, who will turn seven months old on July 25, for work. She shares, “I had two opinions about taking up the show, but my husband supported me and told me he was there for the baby. That kind of support and confidence was tremendous. ,

Long before Devi came into the picture, Sangeeta was injured by a miscarriage in 2015. “I can’t overstate how bad the experience was. I couldn’t believe it and I kept thinking
how did this happen to me, Imagine you are losing the life that is developing inside you,” she says.

Sangeeta Ghosh

That’s when the actress took a deep leap into work with the series Parvarish to distract herself. “I needed that confidence and appreciation. So, I got busy with work. Then the pandemic happened and my husband took up the topic of starting a family again. I was really scared, but he was curious. So here we go. We didn’t tell anyone because I was worried and superstitious. We informed my mother after six-seven months,” she says.

While she wants to be reunited with her daughter during the shoot, she is not complaining. He has the pleasure of visiting and being with her all the time. “Devi stayed with me in Chandigarh for a month. She gives me a lot of happiness and I miss her a lot when she is not with me. Graduation from a woman to a mother makes me feel complete and empowered. My little baby girl has me wrapped around her little finger,” she points out.