‘Right dosage at the right time’

The medicine should be taken in the prescribed manner, i.e. in the right dosage, at the right time, in the right way and with the frequency. If you violate this, it can make your illness worse, lead to hospitalization, even death’, Dr. Aldrin Denny, Senior Vice President and Computational Science, Hotspot Therapeutics, said the head of Boston, USA. He gave a guest speech on ‘Drug Discovery – The Challenges’ Thursday at the GITAM School of Science.

“Following your medication is important for controlling chronic conditions, treating temporary conditions, and overall long-term health and well-being. If you follow it, after six months, the majority take less or less medication than prescribed. completely shut down,” Dr. That medication needs to be followed every day at the same time and a ‘medication calendar’ needs to be kept with the pill, Denny said. bottles. He also explained the requirements for a good drug and the steps involved in the drug discovery process.

Pro. Garama Rao, Principal, School of Science, Dr. Reji John, Vice President, Izen Bio, Dr. Surendra Babu, Prof. Rambabu and Naresh Kumar Katari were present.
