Rishi Sunak risks clash with UK Home Secretary over visa deal with India

Rishi Sunak chaired his first cabinet meeting today.

Rishi Sunak’s UK government is in talks with India on whether to increase the number of business visas granted to Indian nationals as part of a potential trade deal, a stance that is likely to create friction in the new prime minister’s top team. carries a risk of.

Business visas remain an area of ​​”active dialogue” in the discussion, Trade Minister Greg Hands told the House of Commons on Wednesday. He said negotiations on the majority of the deal have been completed.

The government has been trying to highlight the benefits of Brexit by adding new trade deals since leaving the EU, and Hands said a deal with India would give exporters more access to a billion consumers. But easing the visa regime could lead to a confrontation between Britain’s first British prime minister of Indian origin, Sunak, with the home secretary. Suella Bravermanwho recently expressed concern about the arrangements.

Braverman, a staunch Brexiteer whose parents are also of Indian descent, appeared to oppose the more liberal visa policy in an interview with Spectator earlier this month, saying: “I have some reservations about this. Look at migration in the country – the largest group of people who spend the most time are the Indian diaspora.”

Sunak is already under pressure to reinstate Braverman to the position he had left just a week earlier due to a security breach, which he himself admitted had violated the minister’s rules.

Braverman also told Spectator that he was “concerned about having an open border migration policy with India because I don’t think people voted for Brexit.”

no immigration

At the time, the British press reported that his comments provoked the anger of former Prime Minister Liz Truss, who wanted a more flexible migration policy in his short-term effort to spur growth.

But Hands suggested that increasing the number of temporary business visas for Indians was a separate issue for permanent stay. “In the business sector, we are talking about mode four arrangements. These are not immigration regimes. These are related to business visas and not permanent settlement,” he said.

So far, 16 chapters have been agreed in 26 policy areas, according to Hands, who said talks would resume “soon”.

Hands said, “We are working towards the best deal for both sides and until we have an agreement that is fair, reciprocal and ultimately in the best interest of the British people and the UK economy, we will sign.” will not do.”

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