Rishi Sunak soon? Important report on possible dismissal of Liz Truss amid UK crisis

The rebels on the backbench of the UK’s governing Conservative Party are said to be plotting to replace Liz Truss as party leader and prime minister, with the so-called “Unity” United ticket team comprising former leadership rival Rishi Sunak , it came out on Friday. This comes as a YouGov poll for ‘The Times’ found that nearly half of Tory Party supporters believe the party picked the wrong candidate in the leadership election. The poll found that 62 percent of those who voted for Conservatives in the last election said party members had made the wrong choice when choosing to race between Truss and Sunak, while 15 percent said they got it right. was found. ,

This has prompted panicked Tory members of parliament to begin considering options among the candidates who garnered the most votes within the parliamentary party, the 42-year-old British Indian former chancellor, who was at the forefront of his allies, and the leader of the Commons Penny. Mordaunt finished third.

Meanwhile, the government grapples with the impact of a controversial mini-budget late last month, with Britain’s Chancellor Quasi Quarteng flying back from an International Monetary Fund (IMF) meeting in Washington a day before the plan.
While further U-turns on tax-cutting plans are expected after the crunch meetings at 10 Downing Street, Tory backbenchers have to weigh the possibility of changing the party leader again.

Given that the 47-year-old Truss technically could not face the challenge of leadership for 12 months until the powerful backbench Committee of Parliamentarians of 1922 voted to change its rules, MPs were left with cynicism and Mordant. is asked to consider the possibility of rallying behind a combined team of

Another option is for Mordant, 49, to take over as party leader and prime minister and chancellor as Sunak, given his track record in office at the Treasury and the many upheavals he faced under the truss. – There was a warning of turmoil.

Wouldn’t it be so difficult to arrange a coronation? A senior Tory was quoted in ‘The Times’ as saying.
The party believes that a compromise is possible between Sunak, who lost to the Truss with 57 to 43 percent of the vote in the party’s membership, and Mordant who came third in the early stages of voting among MPs and then Throw your support behind the truss. However, former Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s loyalists have condemned such an anti-democratic plot by disgruntled Sunak supporters.

No offense to Sunak or Mordont, but the government isn’t a game of twirling the bottle, where if you don’t like the result you can keep spinning again, right? Tory MP Nadine Dorries, a staunch loyalist of Johnson, tweeted.

The absurdly called Grandy MPs (male) who agitate for Liz Truss’s removal are all cynic supporters. They agitated for the removal of Boris Johnson and now they will continue to plot until they find a way out. Is this a conspiracy not to remove a PM but to reverse democracy? he said.

It comes a day after Britain’s Foreign Secretary James Cleverley fired a warning shot at the rebels that it would be a disastrously bad idea? Just a month after he was elected by party membership, to think about replacing Truss as Tory leader.

I think changing leadership would be a devastatingly bad idea, not only politically but also economically, and we’re going to focus solely on growing the economy, right? They said.