Rishi Sunak vows to crack down on Islamic extremism – Times of India

London: British-Indian prime ministerial candidate Rishi sunki Wednesday pledged to crack down on Islamic extremism UKThe most “significant terrorist threat” with a broader official definition of extremism and the strengthening of existing terrorism legislation.
The 42-year-old former chancellor, who is seen bridging the gap with rival Foreign Secretary Lizzo truss The race to 10 Downing Street vowed to weed out organizations promoting extremism in the UK and refocus on the “failed” containment programme, a government tool aimed at tackling Islamic extremism.
“There is no more important duty for a prime minister than to keep our country and our people safe,” Sunak said during a campaign for Conservative Party members to win the vote.
“Whether to restart our efforts to combat Islamic extremism or to root out those outspoken in hatred of our country, I will do whatever it takes to fulfill that duty. Britain Symbolizes freedom, tolerance and diversity. We should never allow those who want to undermine and destroy our way of life to succeed.”
The Ready4Sage campaign team released what it described as “ambitious plans” to combat Islamic extremism and protect Britain from terrorism.
“Wish will refocus the failed containment program on Britain’s most important terrorist threat – Islamic extremism – and expand the government’s definition of extremism to include those who defame our country,” the statement said.
“Far far and wide, the greatest terrorist threat to UK national security is Islamic extremism, but the UK counter-terrorism organization is failing on this front. Percent live counter-terrorism investigations and jails account for 68 percent of all extremists, but only 22 percent prevent referral and channel cases.
“The Sage will reform the Prevent Program so that the profile of cases in the program broadly reflects the terror threat posed to the UK.”
Sunak also plans to review how prevention programs can be more effectively combined with mental health services to improve prevention’s ability to differentiate between people with mental health problems and those with extreme world views. could.
Extremism is defined in the 2011 Prevention Strategy as “vocal or active opposition to fundamental British values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of different religions and beliefs” and “calls for the death of members”. defined as. our armed forces, whether in this country or abroad”.
Sunak pledges in his campaign that extremists want to attack not only our values, but our very existence.
Therefore, he intends to add “slander of the United Kingdom” to the definition of extremism, ensuring that those with extreme hatred of the country who see them as a risk to national security are “removed from a destructive and Can be recognized” way”.
This expanded definition is intended to help guide the public sector in its work to keep the UK safe.
UK-born Indian-origin candidate in race to succeed outgoing Tory leader and prime minister boris johnson It also recognizes that there are plenty of examples of publicly funded charities and organizations in the UK accused of promoting extremist ideology.
His campaign team said, “Sage will audit publicly funded third-party organizations – those associated with the government’s anti-radical work – to ensure that no extremist organizations receive taxpayer money.”
Additionally, Sunak’s plan to amend the Terrorism Act aims to make supporting a banned organization and promoting terrorism in a jail cell a crime, even if it involves only two prisoners.
If elected prime minister, he intends to pass a bill of rights to make it easier to separate terrorists from the general prison population, ensuring they can no longer spread their “toxic ideology” in our human rights framework. cannot misuse.
Sunak and Truss are currently preparing their policy agenda on key issues as they keep the UK up and down to take questions from Tory members entitled to vote in the leadership race, which kicks off on 2 September. The results will be declared on 5th September. ,