Rishi Sunak’s best chance to become PM is…

British Indian Rishi Sunak’s best chance of becoming Prime Minister of the UK no other candidate lies in the support of 100 ruling Conservative Party MPs – a minimum condition set by a 1922 committee authorized to hold elections , as a qualifying mark. This would mean that there would be no competition for leadership and they would automatically get the top position.

On the other hand, if either former Prime Minister Boris Johnson or Penny Mordant, leader of the House of Commons under Liz Truss, who threw in the towel on his 45th day in office as premier, crosses the threshold of support for 100 lawmakers. Did it , then there could be uncertain prospects for a confirmation vote craze by the Conservative Party’s wider membership. He lost to Truss at this stage in the summer.

The BBC reported on Saturday morning that Sunak is “ready to officially enter the race to become Britain’s next prime minister”. There were also indications since Friday night that he was “the first person to get the support of 100 Conservative MPs”.

Johnson, who was vacationing with his family on the Caribbean island of Dominica, flew back to London in economy class on Saturday morning. There are speculations about his running. But according to media reports, he did not get the support of 100 MPs on Saturday afternoon.

Mordent formally announced his candidacy on Friday evening. But it was also said to have not managed the support of enough fellow MPs.

Mordant was third in the competition earlier this year, which Truss won.