Robot breaks finger of 7-year-old boy during chess match – Times of India

In a videograb, the robot grabs the boy’s finger before the onlookers release it.

In a bizarre incident, a chess-playing robot broke the finger of a child player during Moscow chess Open which was held last week.
Videos shared online show the machine carrying one of the pieces of a seven-year-old boy. Then he makes his move, and the robot grabs his finger. The clip shows four adults rushing to help the boy, who is eventually freed. Sergei LazarevMoscow
The president of the chess federation said: “The robot broke the child’s finger. Of course, this is bad. Lazarev said that the machine has played several matches in the past without incident. “The robot was hired by us, it has been demonstrated in many places, for a long time, together with specialists,” Lazarev was quoted as saying Tassi News agency. “The child made a move, and then it is necessary to give the robot time to react, but the boy hastened, the robot caught him.” The boy was reportedly able to complete the final days of the tournament wearing a cast was. “The kid played the next day, finished the tournament in a cast, and volunteers helped record the moves,” Lazarev said.
Video of the July 19 incident Posted by baja telegram Channel, Guardian informed of. As per reports, the parents want to approach the prosecutor’s office and take action against the authorities.
IANS and Dainik Darpan

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