Role of genetic testing in ART highlighted

A workshop organized by the city-based Genome Foundation highlighted various specific techniques, legal and ethical requirements regarding Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART).

The workshop was meant to create awareness among physicians in and around Nalgonda, underscoring the importance of genetic testing and screening for rare diseases in families wishing to have children through ART. Couples who need such techniques are not infertile but have a family history of a certain condition and want to reduce the risk of having another child with significant health problems or early death.

Suma Prasad, Genome Foundation Consultant Gynecologist and Founder of Prasad Research Foundation (Nacharam) talks about ART forms of In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) and Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) in which eggs are fertilized with sperm outside the body. is fertilized. IVF is used for female infertility and unexplained infertility, and ICSI is used for male cause of infertility.

Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) is usually defined as the testing of pre-implantation stage embryos or oocytes for genetic defects. Some of the most common causes of PGD are specific single-gene conditions (such as cystic fibrosis or sickle cell anemia) and structural changes of parental chromosomes, he said.

Families can also use PGD when a family member needs a bone marrow donor, to have a child who can provide matching stem cells. PGD ​​is available for almost any inherited condition for which the exact mutation is known. Dr Suma Prasad urged the medical fraternity to utilize the specialized services available at Genome Foundation to build a healthy society.

Foundation Scientist Gargi explains the procedures and protocols involved in pre-genetic screening and testing services related to infertility and the use of latest polymerase chain reaction machines for identification and identification of gene sequences of DNA for diagnosis and fluorescent in-situ hybridization Explain how genetic evaluation is done. To count the number of chromosomes in an isolated cell for expected abnormalities in chromosome number, such as Down syndrome, or trans-locations and other chromosomal disorders.

Aparna Kaza, Director, Genome Foundation, highlighted the ongoing activities and specialized diagnostic services for the general public in detecting rare genetic diseases at affordable cost.

Other directors Kanaka Bhushanam (Clinical Research) and M. Pari Plavi also participated, a press release said.