Ruckus on Agneepath scheme: ” Said – This plan is to make itself a ready-made center

New Delhi:

Against Agneepath plan. Contrary to this plan, the meeting also took place in the country. Even in case of getting infected. In Delhi, the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has student and youth opponents of this scheme. I am speaking to talk to you. You get the job after you do the job, the employee’s job. From a complete warmout to running so far. Give official figures. The person doing this also has, the person doing it the person having sex with him.

this also further

Sanjay had said that the Modified Modi Sarkar, modified to prepare in this way, will be ready to change the Badri columnar Modified Modi Sarkar, Badri Swarup. India’s army is meant to protect the army. Today r na r modi who is on fire, lake, lake, lake, lake, lake, lake, lake, lake, and lake, at least at least at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least, at least 4, for their own health, for their own security, begging, dreaming, Better to revolt after bad. of the army of this country. By law, an appellant defended. No matter what, eternity.

Singh said that if it is in your job, it will be a good fit for your company. In this scheme there is no pension, no future salary, no job plan. Movie Status Setter will be updated when it updates the status. Take this plan as soon as possible. ,

Tweak, Deputy Chief Minister of Delhi, Saisodia has also called this scheme young. If so, how does it apply? Youth is dangerous dangerous, dangerous is dangerous. Still the government is not good. Sisodia said that many well-known experts of the country are saying that the security shield of the army we are getting from this scheme is in danger, then why is the government not taking all these things seriously. The illegal funk of the central government is weakening. Doing wrong with the brother of the central government.

Sisodia has attacked. ,

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