Running To Lose Weight? Here’s How Far You Really Have to Run

We all know that a balanced diet and physical exercise help in reducing the extra kilos. But do you know how much gym or daily running you should do to lose weight? Many people use different techniques to lose weight, but running is a common exercise that can be done at a comfortable pace and at any time of day.

According to a report by Healthline, running burns a large number of calories. It is more effective for weight loss than any other exercise. When you run, you use maximum power. It was revealed in the report that running 1600 meters burns 35 calories more than walking. If you run 8-10 kilometers a day, you can burn 350 calories more than walking.

Research from Harvard University found that running for 30 minutes at a speed of 10 kmph burns about 372 calories. Running also reduces belly fat faster. Many studies show that belly fat is very harmful for health and increases the risk of heart disease.

High aerobic exercise like running can prove to be very effective in reducing belly fat. If you are running at a good speed then you will not need to change your diet. Cycling also reduces belly fat.

Benefits of running:

1. Running improves cardiovascular fitness and helps maintain a healthy weight.

2. Running helps in making bones strong.

3. Running also reduces the risk of cataract and also protects against other diseases.

4. To avoid knee pain, people above 60 years of age must do jogging.

5. Running also increases joint strength and improves stability.

6. It promotes better sleep and improves mood.

7. Several studies show that running can also improve symptoms of depression and anxiety.

8. It also helps in managing blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

There are a few dietary changes you should make to help you achieve long-lasting weight loss.

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