Russia begins military operation in Ukraine

The latest developments on Ukraine-Russia tensions were later placed under sanctions by several countries amid an escalating conflict.

The latest developments on Ukraine-Russia tensions were later placed under sanctions by several countries amid an escalating conflict.

Ukraine has announced military operations in Ukraine on February 24, 2022, amid rising tensions between Ukraine and Russia. The conflict began on February 21, 2022, after Russian President Vladimir Putin. recognized separatist territory Deployed troops to eastern Ukraine and in a peacekeeping role.

US President Joe Biden repeatedly warned Russia If Ukraine were to be invaded there would be dire consequences. Ukraine’s government offices and banks faced cyberattacks, while rebel groups sought help from the Kremlin.

the European Union emergency meeting declared February 24 to hold Russia accountable for the escalating conflict, which now threatens to turn into a full-scale war.

Click Here To read how the world is reacting to development.

top growth

  1. Russia announces military operations against Ukraine ‘to protect civilians in the eastern region’.

  2. NATO condemns Russia’s move

  3. Emergency declared in Ukraine, airports closed

  4. Several explosions were heard near the main airport in Ukraine’s capital, Kiev.

Here are the latest updates:


Moscow’s UN envoy says Russia targeting ‘junta in power in Kiev’

Russia’s ambassador to the United Nations told an emergency meeting of the Security Council late Wednesday that Moscow’s military operation against Ukraine was targeting the “junta” in power in Kiev.

“I wanted to say as a conclusion that we are not going aggressive against the Ukrainian people, but against the junta in power in Kiev,” said Vasily Nebenziya. AFP

United States of america

Biden condemns Russian action, will meet G-7 counterparts on Thursday

“President Putin has chosen a pre-planned war that will bring a catastrophic loss of life and human suffering. Russia alone is responsible for the death and destruction caused by this attack, and the United States and its allies and allies in a united and decisive manner.” The world will hold Russia accountable,” Mr. Biden said via a statement issued by the White House.

HinduCorrespondent Shriram Laxman reports from Washington DC


President of Ukraine introduced martial law in all areas of the country, said Russia launched missile attacks

“We enforce martial law in all regions of the state,” said Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. , Reuters


Brent crude oil breaks $100 for the first time since 2014, equities fall as Russia enters Ukraine

Oil prices rose with Brent rising within spit distance of $100 not seen since September 2014, while gold and the Japanese yen – safe havens in times of crisis and turmoil – also jumped.

The dollar was up more than six percent against the ruble battered in recent weeks on concerns about the impact of sanctions on the Russian economy.— Reuters and AFP

United Nations Security Council

Security Council reacts to Putin’s announcement of ‘special operation’ in eastern Ukraine

As news broke of Russian President Vladimir Putin ordering a military operation in eastern Ukraine, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres called on a hastily convened Security Council meeting to ask Russia to halt attacks on Ukraine and “give peace a chance”. asked for.

HinduCorrespondent Shriram Laxman reports from Washington DC

Indian market

Indian shares fall over 3% as tensions rise in Ukraine

Indian shares fell over 3% on Thursday as investors fled riskier assets after Russian President Vladimir Putin authorized a special military operation in Ukraine’s Donbass region.


Ukraine’s UN envoy says Russia declared war, Russia denies

Ukraine’s UN envoy says Russia has declared war and it is the responsibility of the UN Security Council to stop the war. Russia’s UN envoy denied the allegation and said it was not a war but just a special military exercise. , Reuters


Several explosions were heard in Kiev, Ukraine

After an initial series of sounds similar to artillery fire, several explosions were heard in the Ukrainian capital of Kiev, a Reuters The witness informed.

United States of america

Biden warns that Russia alone is responsible for loss of life and human suffering to come

The US president said he would coordinate with NATO allies to ensure a strong, united response to Russian actions. , Reuters

United Nations

UN chief asks Putin to stop his troops from attacking Ukraine

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres made a personal appeal to Vladimir Putin on Wednesday not to attack Ukraine, minutes before the Russian president announced a military operation against his former Soviet neighbour.

“President Putin, stop your troops from attacking Ukraine, give peace a chance, many people have already been killed,” Guterres said during the second emergency meeting of the Security Council in three days on the Russia-Ukraine crisis. ” AFP


President Putin says Russia will launch military operation in eastern Ukraine

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday announced a military operation in Ukraine, claiming it was aimed at protecting civilians.

In his televised address, Putin said the action was in response to threats from Ukraine. He said that Russia has no goal of occupying Ukraine. Putin said Ukraine’s “regime” was responsible for the bloodshed. Putin warns that any foreign attempt to interfere with Russian action will have ‘never seen results’ AP


Ukraine closes airports, warns of airspace danger amid conflict with Russia

The Ukrainian government is closing airports in eastern Ukraine from midnight to 7 a.m. due to a conflict with Russia.

Ukrainian aviation authorities have also previously declared some airspace as “danger areas” because of attempts by Russian aviation authorities to seize control of the airspace.
