Russia cracks down on Nobel Peace Prize winning human rights group Memorial – Times of India

New Delhi: Right after the Russian human rights organization Memorial Announced as one of the winners of this year’s Nobel Peace Prize, a Moscow court ordered the seizure of its headquarters in the city on Friday.
The Interfax agency reported that the Tverskoy court ordered the group’s central Moscow headquarters to “become state property.”
Although this is not the first time Russian authorities have cracked down on the monument.
Russian officials ordered the monument to be closed last year in a move Putin has done nothing to stop, and pressure against rights advocates has worsened during the invasion of Ukraine.
The Memorial, founded in 1989 by the 1975 Peace Prize laureate Andrei Sakharov, is the largest human rights organization in Russia, which compiles and organizes information on political persecution and human rights violations in Russia.
The Memorial shared this year’s Nobel Peace Prize with Belarusian activist Ales Bilyatsky and the Ukrainian organization Center for Civil Liberties.
(with agency input)