Russia may launch Sputnik Lite Kovid vaccine in India by next month

Sputnik Lite is likely to be launched in India by December. file


The Russian Direct Investment Fund today said that the Sputnik Lite COVID-19 vaccine will be launched in India by December this year.

Addressing a press conference, Russian Direct Investment Fund CEO Kirill Dmitriev said, “We look forward to the launch of Sputnik Lite in India in December and we are working very well with Indian institutions.”

“We have Serum Institute in India as our production partner, and we are confident that Sputnik Lite will play a big role in the Indian vaccination campaign,” he added.

Earlier in the day, Sputnik V informed that Russia’s Ministry of Health will register the Sputnik vaccine for children aged 12-17, which is expected to be available at the end of December.

“The Ministry of Health of Russia will today register the Sputnik vaccine for children 12-17 years old. The Sputnik M vaccine for children will be a welcome member of the Sputnik family both in Russia and in global markets,” Sputnik V said in a tweet.

It comes as Russia has been grappling with a surge in coronavirus infections and related deaths in recent weeks.

According to the Anti-Coronavirus Crisis Center data published today, the country has reported 33,558 new confirmed COVID-19 cases in the last 24 hours, the lowest number since October 16, taking the total number of infections to 9,434,393. has been reached.

In addition, India recorded 9,283 new cases of COVID-19 on Wednesday. With this, the active caseload of infection in the country has gone up to 1,11,481, which is the lowest in 537 days.
