Russia-Ukraine Crisis Live Updates | Zelensky: The next few days of the war critical

Ukraine’s armed forces prepared for a new Russian offensive on Monday as powerful explosions rocked cities to the south and east

Governors of the region, including Ukraine’s fourth-largest city, Dnipro, say the airport was hit twice by missiles on Sunday. The Ukrainian military command said Russian forces also continued to shell Ukraine’s second largest city, Kharkiv, and laid siege to the main southern port city of Mariupol, which has been under attack for nearly six weeks.

Meanwhile, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said his government was providing investigative assistance to efforts to document war crimes in Ukraine, and said Russian President Vladimir Putin was responsible.

India and America will hold their fourth annual event.2+2′ Ministry of Defense and External Affairs Dialogue Today in Washington, with the Russian invasion of Ukraine occupying a prominent place in the discussions and on the agenda.

The conflict began to intensify on February 21, 2022, after Russian President Vladimir Putin recognized separatist territory Deployed troops to eastern Ukraine and in a peacekeeping role.

Here are the latest updates:


Zelensky: The next few days of the war critical

Ukraine’s president warned his country on Sunday night that the week ahead would be as important as the war.

“Russian troops will move towards even greater operations in the east of our state,” Volodymyr Zelensky said in his nightly address.

He accused Russia of trying to evade responsibility for war crimes.

“When people lack the courage to admit their mistakes, apologize, adapt to reality, and learn, they turn into demons. And when the world ignores this, the demons decide what the world will do.” We have to adapt to them. Ukraine will stop all this,” Mr. Zelensky said. AP


Ukraine’s defenders dig as Russia ramps up shelling

As Ukrainian forces dug in on Sunday, Russia fired more firepower and tapped a decorated general to take centralized control of the war ahead of a potentially decisive showdown in eastern Ukraine that could begin within days.

Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky warned in his nightly address to the nation on Sunday that the coming week would be as important as the war itself, adding that “Russian troops will advance to even greater operations in the east of our state.” “

He also accused Russia of trying to evade responsibility for war crimes in Ukraine.

“When people lack the courage to admit their mistakes, apologize, adapt to reality, and learn, they turn into demons. And when the world ignores this, the demons decide what the world will do.” has to adapt to them,” said Mr. Zelensky. AP

world Bank

War to cut Ukraine’s GDP by more than 45%, World Bank forecast

The World Bank said on Sunday that Ukraine’s economic output is expected to fall by 45.1% this year as Russia’s invasion has closed businesses, slashed exports and made economic activity impossible.

The World Bank has forecast an 11.2% drop in Russia’s 2022 GDP output due to penalizing financial sanctions imposed by the United States and its Western allies on Russian banks, state-owned enterprises and other institutions.

The Eastern Europe region, which includes Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova, is projected to show a GDP contraction of 30.7% this year due to war shocks and trade disruptions, the World Bank’s “War in the Region” economic update said. – Reuters


Chechen chief Kadyrov says Russian army will take Kyiv

Ramzan Kadyrov, the powerful head of Russia’s Chechnya republic, said early Monday that Russian forces would attack not only the besieged port of Mariupol, but also Kyiv and other Ukrainian cities.

“Not only will Mariupol be attacked, but also other places, cities and villages,” Kadyrov said in a video posted on his Telegram channel.

“Luhansk and Donetsk – we will be completely free in the first place … and then take Kyiv and all other cities.”

Kadyrov, who has often described himself as a “foot soldier” of Russian President Vladimir Putin, said there should be no doubt about Kyiv. Reuters


Ukraine ready for important battles on the Eastern Front

Officials in Kyiv said Ukraine is preparing for an “important battle” against Moscow’s forces in the country’s east, as Pope Francis called on Sunday for an Easter cease-fire to end the war.

Evacuation continues from eastern Ukraine’s Kramatorsk, where 52 people were killed in a missile attack on a railway station on Friday, while fresh shelling on Sunday completely destroyed an airport in the central city of Dnipro.


Dozens of Ukrainians Found in Grave Near Kyiv as War Looms in the East

A grave with dozens of Ukrainian civilians has been found in the village of Buzova near Kyiv, an official said, the latest mass grave to be discovered as Russian forces withdraw from their attack on the capital and focus their attack on the east .

Taras Didich, the head of the Dmitrievka community, including Buzova, told Ukrainian television that the bodies were found in a ditch near a petrol station. The death toll was yet to be confirmed.


Ukraine crisis will put India-US 2+2 talks in the spotlight

India and America will hold their fourth annual event.2+2′ Ministry of Defense and External Affairs Dialogue With in Washington on April 11 Russian invasion of Ukraine Dominate the discussions and occupy a prominent place on the agenda.

foreign Minister S Jaishankarwho arrived in Washington on Saturday night and the Defense Minister Rajnath Singh, Arrived on Sunday, Biden will meet with his counterparts, Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, in the administration’s first such conversation.