Russia-Ukraine War Updates Live: Tham Gas-University War? I get messages at night

Russia-Ukraine war: has attacked by attacking.

Today is the 11th day of the Swap-Russia war (Russia-Ukraine war). The schedule of the BAT night (Saturday) meeting last night (Saturday) had changed a schedule in which the meeting took place. To switch after pregnancy, type velodimir to switch falsely. ,

this also further

President Joe President Joe according to protocol, President Volodymyr speaks. this kind of person

The active pause was used in mayyupol and vollekha repeating to type after clicking and was then removed. Your call of pause is to strike the fight. Meanwhile, Russia has made it easier for Vaseshchi citizens to come from Ukraine and the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics (DPR and LPR). Information about the services provided.

Now October 5, 2022 of registration foreign status and status LPR, DPR and password from individual status can enter the union and change in climate or external environment for permanent living.

Here are the live updates on the Ukraine-Russia war: