Russian-backed separatists in eastern Ukraine say vehicle was blown up near their headquarters

Russian-backed separatist officials in eastern Ukraine said Friday that a parked jeep carrying no one was blown up near a government building in Donetsk city center.

A news outlet from the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic urged residents to remain calm and not move around the city if possible.

No casualties have been reported in the blast.

A Reuters eyewitness said the jeep was completely broken.

Putin asks Russian government to keep people leaving Donbasi at home

President Vladimir Putin ordered the Russian government on Friday to house and feed people leaving the two self-declared eastern Ukrainian republics after arriving in southern Russia.

Russian-backed separatists on Friday announced an abrupt evacuation of their territories, a shocking turn in a conflict the West believes Moscow is planning to use to justify an all-out offensive by its neighbour. Is.

A Kremlin statement said Putin had ordered the minister responsible for handling emergency situations to travel to southern Russia to help the Kremlin arrange accommodation for “refugees from Donbass”.

“The President directed (the minister) to fly to the immediate area to prepare an environment for people to live in, to provide everything they need, including hot food and medical care,” the statement said.

Putin also ordered 10,000 rubles ($129) to be paid to everyone arriving from the Donbass.

The two broken regions are located in the Donbas region of Ukraine.

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