Russian companies looking to India for drugs, medical devices

New Delhi A top official of the Pharmaceuticals Export Promotion Council of India (Pharmexsil) said that India has received requests from Russian companies for immediate supply of pharmaceutical ingredients and medical equipment.

Russia’s request has come from the government agency, Pharmaxil, to boost pharma exports through the Indian embassy in Moscow, as Russia faces Western sanctions over its invasion of Ukraine.

The country’s drug export promotion body received a communication from the embassy seeking supplies from Indian firms for essential drugs and medical equipment.

“Pharmexsil has received a communication from the Indian Embassy in Moscow that various companies dealing with pharmaceuticals, medical devices and related equipment are inquiring about supplies from India. While some of them require assistance in obtaining suppliers of certain pharmaceuticals, others are interested in distributing them, “according to an April 7 letter from Pharmaxsil to its members.” Members interested in these opportunities Can directly reach the referenced companies. Annex,” said the communication.

Russian firms are New Technologies, Pharmamed Co, Apolo, Pharmstandard and Simkodent, according to Pharmexcil Communications. Russia is India’s fourth largest pharmaceutical export destination. India exported drugs worth more than $591 million to Russia in FY2011, a 7% increase over the previous year. The provisional figures for pharma exports for 2021-2022 are $597 million.

Recently, Sri Lanka’s State Pharmaceuticals Corporation also approached Pharmaxsil to “sensitize” its members on the need to ensure medical supplies to the beleaguered island nation.

Pharmexcil officials said it is very rare to receive such requests from Russia.

“This is the first time that Russia has asked India to supply pharmaceutical goods. Earlier Russia had never made such requests for pharmaceutical items from India as they were supplied by European countries. In addition, Russia is capable of manufacturing many pharma items. We usually get such export requests from African countries, WHO, Sri Lanka, etc,” said Uday Bhaskar, Director General, Pharmaxil.

However, it is not uncommon for distressed countries to turn to India, which has become an important supplier of vaccines and medicines around the world.

In addition to drugs, Russians are used in surgical departments for newborns and premature babies, pediatric urology and andrology, neurosurgical, trauma and surgery, dental, anesthesiology and resuscitation, operating rooms, and intensive care and maxillofacial surgery. Also looking for medical equipment. An Indian government official, requesting anonymity, said, “Russia is exploring various markets for importing pharma goods.”

Questions emailed to the spokespersons of the Russian Embassy in New Delhi, the Department of Pharmaceuticals and India’s Ministry of Commerce and Industry remained unanswered till press time.

The European Union has cut supplies, Russia has cut off supply to its departmental stores to Indian retailers and agricultural exporters. Russia has also urged Indian agricultural and processed food manufacturers and retail associations to set up a joint India-Russia agro-industrial park in Lotos, a special economic zone in Astrakhan, southern Russia, so that at least the country’s grocery stores are located. goods and spices and other foodstuffs to be produced. Dependence on food and agricultural imports.

“We had expected higher exports in FY 2012, but there has been a marginal increase due to war-related disruptions. I am very positive that our exports to Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States will increase in FY 2013,” Bhaskar said.

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