Sacked: Germany’s Merkel becomes acting chancellor – Times of India

Berlin: Angela Merkel She took a step closer to political retirement on Tuesday after receiving a formal dismissal certificate from the post of chancellor after 16 years in office, though she will lead a caretaker government until her successor is sworn in.
Hours earlier, Merkel attended the inaugural session of Germany’s new parliament in Berlin, taking a seat in the VIP gallery as the recently elected MPs met for the first time. Merkel, who won her first seat in the Bundestag 31 years ago, did not run again in the September 26 election.
MLA elected barbal bus, member of center-left social democratic party, as the Speaker of the 736-member lower house. she succeeds Wolfgang Scheable, a 79-year-old Conservative and former finance and interior minister, who was also the longest-serving member of the previous parliament, was first elected in 1972.
Bass, whose party did little to defeat Merkel’s centre-right union bloc, has been a member of the Bundestag since 2009. The 53-year-old was the deputy leader of his party’s parliamentary group in the previous parliament and its spokesman for health, education and health. Research.
Bass told fellow MPs that she would work for better representation of women in Parliament. She is only the third woman since the founding of the Bundestag in 1949.
“The responsibility has not yet spread appropriately on all shoulders,” she said.
While the Bundestag has more female members after last month’s election, women still have a long way to go in reaching equality in the national legislature. According to the German news agency DPA, more than a third, or 34.7%, of new MPs are women, compared to 31.4% in the previous parliament.
Bass emphasized that even though the parliament does not yet reflect the full diversity of German society, the new Bundestag has become more diverse, with more immigrant parliamentarians and younger members.
She vowed to save the lower house from hatred and promised, “I will save democracy from its enemies.”
Three parties hoping to form Germany’s new government said last week that they aim to have the country’s next chancellor in early December, but acknowledged they faced a complicated task.
Social Democrats, environmentalist Greens and pro-business Free Democrats opened formal coalition talks earlier this month after a preliminary deal that set their priorities but left many open questions.
The German coalition talks are a detailed matter, producing an agreement that sets out the details of the government’s four-year term schedule. They have been prolonged over the years as the country’s political landscape remains fragmented, meaning that elections rarely produce a parliamentary majority for traditional allies.
If the talks are successful, the new government would send Merkel’s centre-right union bloc into opposition after 16 years. his possible successor will be Olaf Scholzo Social Democrats, their chancellor and finance minister since 2018.
Germany’s President Frank-Walter Steinmeier handed over a certificate of dismissal to Merkel, thanking her for steering the country through difficult times, especially during her last four years in office. He cited the coronavirus pandemic, Britain’s departure from the European Union and a US government under President Donald Trump that he said was “not interested in the international order and the trans-Atlantic partnership.”
Last week, Merkel was given a warm farewell by fellow EU leaders and former US President Barack Obama. His last week as caretaker includes representing Germany as part of the G-20 meeting in Italy and next week’s UN climate summit in Glasgow.


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